Sunday, October 2, 2022

x. Resonance

[ Art done by Smirk ]

Greetings Ocarina, I hope everyone's weekend went well!! In tonight's post, I will have a movie spoiler at the bottom of the post. I'll be mentioning about the movie "Prey", so if you don't want any spoilers, you can either skip this post or leave when you see the spoiler tags!!

So I'm in need of new shoes, especially loafers at the moment. Since winter is approaching, well, it looks like a lot of shoe companies are throwing out their winter boots out too... and I happened to see UGGs came out with new boots...........

Can someone PLEASE explain how this looks good??????????? I know platforming shoes are back in style, but REALLY UGGS!?!?!?!? These look like astronaut booties, unless that's intentional?? I really hope this doesn't become big and starts trending ಥ‿ಥ

As well, what are people watching these days? If you have nothing to watch at the moment and you don't mind watching anime, hey guess what? Do you know what you should really watch!? 


Seriously!!! Please check it out because it is SO good. Now here comes the sad news. Season 2 is basically caught up with the manga and the manga gets updated every 3 or 4 months.... WHICH IS GREAT SADNESS BECAUSE SEASON 3 WON'T COME OUT UNTIL WHO KNOWS WHEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm as empty as season 2 (haha, if you get this joke, then you watched Season 2??? pls slide into my DM and TALK TO ME ABOUT IT). Speaking of shows, I'm going to move onto the movie now.

Okay you've been warned!!!

Recently, Neru, Kiriya, Sas, Ubi. and I watched Prey. I was really excited for this movie because I haven't seen a Predator movie in SO long. Prey is the prequel of all Predator movies and I have heard that this movie was decent. 

The pros:
The movie was really nicely filmed - the cinematics and the scenery was really beautifully executed
I did think it was interesting that they used Aboriginals or Native Americans for this film
The female protagonist's brother's fighting scene against the Predator was legit badass

The cons:
The female protagonist is probably terribly written - everything in this movie was screaming "girls power". I just could not find anything likeable with her because she is so stupid, I think she's supposed to be a teenager? But honestly, I cannot tell. Also, how did she SUDDENLY know how to fight so well at the end of the movie?? WHEN DID SHE EVER GET THAT MUCH TRAINING??? I had my eyes open for the entire movie, was I missing something??

As for the Predator, I didn't think it really needed to be invisible...? Like it was literally murdering things with ease so.... why bother hiding? Hello???

The CG animal fights made no sense. The Predator was literally kicking a wolf's ass and realistically speaking, that wolf would have fucked off, but no??? They made the CG wolf challenge the Predator like what the shit? 

Speaking of Predators, Fall Guys has the Alien outfit out and it's free for grab!! I think this is super cute ... but I don't know if I want to grind for this outfit... (๑•̀д•́๑)

That's it for now and hope your Monday treats your nicely,


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