Thursday, October 20, 2022

x. Heaven on High - Round #1

Hey Ocarina, I hope your week is going well. I recently got my booster shot (that's like my 4th one) and my arm is sore. It bothers me when I want to sleep so I'm praying the soreness goes away soon. Tonight is going to be a quick post, so here goes!!

A while ago, Hiro, Rare, Butter, and I tackled Heaven on High! Not gonna lie, some floors were really stressful. When we finally reached floor 90, our asses were fully ready...or maybe.

I really do like the floors from Floor 80 though, it's really pretty. I wish I could take more screenshots in here but due to the time limit and sneaking through some rooms, it's really tough to take some scenic shots. As well, those mimics are no joke too.

The final boss room is so pretty!! While the guys were talking about strats, I was busy taking screenshots LOL The last boss was actually not too bad, he was pretty easy!

WE MADE IT TO THE TOOOOP!!!!! YEHYEH! Now we just need to run 4 more times to trade in HoH accessories for the mount \\\(۶ ᐛ )۶////

Here's our HoH shenanigans (you can tell we were pretty traumatized at the end of the tower run)

That's all for now gang, so until next blog post,


  1. Thank you for saying "effing", my kids were reading.

    4 more runs?! X.X


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