Saturday, October 1, 2022

x. Experimenting, Experiencing, Evaluating

[ Art done by 熬夜的球 ]

Hallo Ocarina, it's the weekend!! I'm starting to see some trees changing colors just for AUTUMN! The weather is still quite nice and beautiful, so I don't need to pull out my sweaters quite yet. How about everyone else? Also, I just realized it's October now. I can't wait to bring out my Halloween decorations out this weekend and start vamping up my apartment. 

Sas and I tried out a cafe that is somewhat nearby our place. It was in a very quiet neighborhood and I'm so jelly of people living around there because I like their black sesame coffee so much!! Yes you heard me - BLACK SESAME COFFEE!! Their lemon chicken was decent and same with their waffles. I ordered a matcha waffle and I can taste the matcha faintly. 

On another weekend, Sas and I tried another cafe that I've been eyeing on for a long time. Instead of driving there, we took the transit because:

a) it was a lovely sunny day (wasn't too hot actually)
b) parking looked painful whenever I drive by there
c) it's not a long walk from a transit station

Sas ordered his soft drink(s) because his dish came with a free drink and I ordered a cappuccino.

Okay yes yes, I know. Wow, another waffle dish. BUT LISTEN. LISTEN TO ME. THIS ONE IS REALLY DIFFERENT. 

Their waffle was SPECIAL because they use purple yam (☉_☉) !!!! I thought the waffle was quite fluffy actually and I taste the purple yam faintly. However, this is the cafe that I would come just for the experience and not quite the food. I thought the food was really overpriced and I wasn't exactly quite WOW-ed by their special waffle. 

I was craving some breakfast meals for lunch, so Sas and I went back to one of our favourite cafes that we tried over the summer. I was curious with this beef brisket eggs, so I decided to be adventurous and try it. The beef itself was alright, but I personally prefer my briskets in soup. I would say it was a very filling lunch, so I didn't have dinner until much much later.

So there's a new Japanese restaurant that opened nearby my area. I saw on Google that their other locations had decent reviews, so I wanted to see what the hype is all about. Sas ordered their spicy salmon don while I ordered an assorted sashimi don. The aesthetic looks nice, doesn't it?

Don't let the bowls deceive you though. I decided to tear mine apart and see how much rice I actually got. 

Now first off, I took away all the greens (or as much as possible) and I had a shit ton of salad, like excuse me????

Now I dug at my rice and I didn't need to dig that much because the bowl is pretty shallow. There was nothing wrong with the sashimi, it was decent, but these rice bowls are incredibly overpriced. It was actually a huge turn off to even enjoy the food ( 。-_-。)

So my friend wanted to grab ramen for dinner and she was kind of eyeing at this one particular place. Google didn't give it a high review and I was a little skeptical, but I also thought it would be an interesting experience to go try it. 

We started off with this...handcones. Unagi is unagi. If you fucked up unagi, then you are doing something wrong. I ordered the blue crab handcone and I don't know ... I was underwhelmed. This is also the laziest handcone I have ever seen. Like literally, they just put a blob of rice and some ingredients and called it a day (╯•ᗣ•╰)

They provided us with these hand towels for our handcones. You put the white towel tablet in the solution and then it grows big. It was kind of neat.

I was very interested in their summer ramen since it has yuzu, but this bowl was disappointing. I mean, it was still edible, but it felt so boring? I'm really not a ramen enthusiast and I do not have any qualification to critique food, but this ramen didn't have the KAPOW WACHOW flavor punch, ESPECIALLY with the yuzu. 

Finally, we wrapped up the meal with this stupidly overpriced dessert. Honestly, I wouldn't have ordered this myself. But since my friend was really interested in it and she asked if I wanted to split this with her, I decided to go with the order. 

I would not recommend any of my friends to try this place out (╯°□°)╯┻━┻ I can see why everyone gave it a poor rating because the food basically sucked. It was edible at the very least.

Anyway, that's all I have for tonight's blog post, so until next one!


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