Saturday, June 25, 2022

x. Torrent

Happy Saturday Ocarina! Be sure to stay hydrated, this weekend is pretty hot, and make sure to use SPF when you go outside (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b !!

So I think it's safe to say that I don't think SGE is my kind of healer class. The design is neat and all, but my brain just can't grasp SGE at all, and I just watch the world burn when things are going really bad aka I can't keep up with the heals. 

I was very content in being the Namazu SGE because it made all the serious cutscenes more hilarious (I'm SORRY)! Actually I skipped most of the cutscenes until the SGE bunboy was going like "ugUu we weRe GeTTiNg AbUsED" and I'm like: Hold on, do tell ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ᕗ

The only downfall of this job quest is that ... THE FINAL PART  TOOK OFF MY NAMAZU ONESIE. THIS IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Also, every time I level my SGE and I party with some of my gal pals, we always get Doma Castle. What is this?? Doma Castle roulette, now??

Recently, Kiriya, Chips, and I went back to our Stardew adventuring. We had an amazing crab rave party because why not? Look at them go!!

We recently got a Dino baby and it's living peacefully with the other farm animals! There was one session where I had to leave early, and poor Kiriya and Chips were having a hard time with the farm animals... because I was the main animal care taker LOL so when I joined back for our other session, some of my poor babies were slightly unhappy. BUT IT WAS OKAY (°◡°♡) Because after several pets, daily check ins, and endless hay, they were all back to full happiness!! No animals were abused, don't worry!

Some of the cutscenes with other villagers get really weird, it's almost like we had an acid trip or something. Like I don't really know what is going on in this cutscene LOL although, some of them do complain they are so bored and wondered if they should go into the city lifestyle. 

Anyway, that's all for now, so until next blog post,


  1. It's hot af here too I hate it buy me ice cream its terrible.

    1. okay i'll buy u ice cream if u accept my airplane ticket


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