Thursday, June 16, 2022

x. A Novel, New Sound

[ Art done by Tokyo Genso ]

Hallo Ocarina, how is everyone doing?? I still don't have air conditioner in my apartment yet, so I'll have to see how I'll survive this summer. Last year, I couldn't even play FFXIV because it made my office go up to 40C, then my PC overheats and shuts down. I even had a fan blowing at my PC and that didn't even help!!

Recently, I've been trying to find more cafes around my area and Google Map kind of sucks when it comes to giving suggestions. Every time I type in "brunch places" or "cafes", they give me super popular ones, which I already tried and some were extremely overrated. What I ended up doing is I started zooming into different streets and move further away from popular areas.... and low a behold, I found some "hidden gems".

I quote "hidden gems" because these places still get decent reviews and visits, but they're definitely hidden on Google Maps. One of the cafes I found was within a garden shop and it is absolutely adorable.  (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ They also seem to support local and/or small businesses that sells cooking stuff (oil, tools, etc.), accessories, interior decorations, and so forth!   

Here's the seating area for the cafe, like really, isn't it cute??

The portion size was just right, but I will have to say, the prices was a TAD steep for these dishes (。•́︿•̀。)

Few weeks ago, I went to grab dinner with an old friend. She recently got promoted in her job, so of course, we had to celebrate o(≧▽≦)o !! We went to a fancy hot pot place and it was pretty good. I did find their selection to be lacking, but the services was absolutely phenomenal. 

Sorry vegans and vegetarians, I just can't give up on fatty beef when it comes to hot pot time ... 

We also got ice cream for deserttttttt and it was unlimited ice cream!! I was so sad I couldn't abuse this unlimited ice cream offer because I was incredibly full (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Once again, another cafe that is somewhat hidden on Google Maps. This cafe is owned by a Korean family I believe and I was interested in their brunch menu. I really like how they don't have restricted times for their breakfast/brunch choices because I don't wake up early enough for actual brunch time. 

I'm usually not a milkshake person, but when it comes to blueberry milkshakes, I actually can't say no to that. Are any of you milkshake people? I think the best milkshake I had was in Las Vegas, where it was like almost like ice cream and you could still feel some icy chunks as you're sipping the shake. 

While doing some grocery shopping, I came across some Hello Kitty pasta. Did I need it? No. But that's not going to stop me from trying it and make cute pasta dinner (「・ω・)「

Like............seriously LOL how cute is this??? Did it taste good? I'm not sure but it did remind me a lot of alphabet soup!! 

Few weeks ago, I had a sudden night-time baking moment and I decided to bake a bunch of oatmeal cookies. I may have made too many but that's OKAY because I get to eat one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!!! Does anyone else here get the random night-time baking mood? I can't be the only one!

Annnnd that's it for now gang, so until next blog post, 


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