Hallo Ocarina, I hope Monday treated you well. Beemo recently strained himself during play, so I had to go grab pain killers from SPCA vets this evening. Hopefully the pain killers will help him this week, if not, the vets were kind enough to squeeze Beemo in next week for an appointment. Aside from that, he's still eating and sleeping well, just a little sad that he's feeling uncomfortable.
Friendly reminder -- Little Ladies' Day event is up and same with mogtomes!!
As well, I do have a bunch of random screenshots, so here goes! I took a sneaky screenshot of Das and Rix while we were waiting for people to hop on for raid (LMAO Rix was secretly taking a photo of us too). Look how cute we are, d'aww!!
My lovely friend Lya organized Mommy EX on a late Friday evening and it was a lot of fun (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) !! Jordi, Mar, and I joined for the farming, but sadly, there was no mount. RNGesus blessed my rolls to be under 10, so I lost every single weapon coffer LOL
I have been chipping away at this FATE grinding business thing, I know, it's kind of gross. There are some minions and glams that I want, so there is no other choice!! Eventually, I'll get there... and then I'll go back to Shadowbringer maps ಥ_ಥ
On a random note... seriously, is this NOT the cutest S rank ever????
When you spawn it, it's just sleeping soundly omg!! IT IS ADORABLE. Someone was trying to blow him up omg
I shall end tonight's blog post with my usual EXDR gang (Geir/Rare/Hiro/and sometimes Juren/Butter). I still hate running EXDR, but with friends and Discord, it actually doesn't become that bad.
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