Thursday, September 30, 2021

x. Dawn Breaks

Hallo wonderful people! Today's weather is so cold and rainy, but Beemo was kind of thriving in it because he likes to get his pawsies and tummy wet. Since Beemo was enjoying his walkies in this weather, I guess I can't complain too much. Enough of Beemo and I, let's jump straight into the blog post.

While Rix and I were waiting on our raid group to log on, Luna and Rare were chilling around on the FC lawn. Luna probably needed a break from moving her furniture around non-stop in her lovely home. Rare was doing roulettes on his MNK because he wanted to try MNK out in Endwalker. 

Of course, we summoned our mounts so we could have a mount party. I small here compare to everyone else.

LMAO d( ´ ▽ ` )b Rix and I were shooting Rare (I mean who else, clearly not Luna) HAHAHAHA

When Luna summoned her giant lion, I can't help but to call Rare's lion the ugly child. Is it not ugly????

Before heading into trials with my raid gang for BLU stuff, Luna and Rare brought out the valentines day chair mounts. (*°ヮ° *) How can I not take a screenshot of you two, so cute (mostly Luna tho, she's the cutest Viera ever)!!! 

Now onto BLU raid prepping!! We were doing The Dragon's Neck because we get to learn several skills there. I was highly amused when I turned into a Kappa and I was THE SAME SIZE AS GEIR. LOOK AT THAT OMG (*°∀°) But my head is chubbier than Geir's, does that mean I have big brain?

After learning some BLU skills, we also helped Geir power level. He wasn't that far from level 70, so we spent quality time together at Yanxia.

Sometimes we get easily distracted... like for example, I was busy taking screenshots because Butter and I look really good in this shot. I captured Rix doing her usual running and Hiro changed into his WHM. At the same time, we were all too busy talking in Discord that we lost Geir, so he ended up dying (twice) ... LOL! Oopsies (≧∇≦)

After Geir reached level 70 and wrapped up for the raid night, Butter and I went to go check out Ocean Fishing. Except poor Butter couldn't hit 80 after doing his trade in, he was super close. I shall bring you to Ocean Fishing one of these days.

Since we couldn't do Ocean Fishing, we were checking out gathering gears, but I wanted to see it on male characters.... and omg I'm sorry, they look SO FUNNY ON GUYS HAHAHAHAHA 

As I was dying at every single outfit that Butter posted, I realized we were spamming in the wrong chat in our raid Discord.... OOOOOOPS???

We later went to do some birb farming because Butter was only missing two ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ I basically got Butter to stay up late again because we had to grab his last two birbies. Don't worry, he's fine, I hope but it was worth it! His first one was Bismarck, which was super easy peasy. 

His last one was Thordan and that one was super easy to duo as well! We actually got lucky with Thordan, well I think we got lucky, because I remember farming with the FC and it took 84 years to get ours. Think we only needed to smack Thordan twice or thrice, and he dropped the birbie for Butter!

And now it's tiiiime for Butter to get his lovely FIREBIIIIRD.

Yay congrats Butter \\\(۶ ᐛ )۶//// and look how pretty it is with the starry skies!

That's it for now gang, so until next blog post,


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