Monday, June 17, 2019

x. What's Monday? I only know Weekends.

Good morning everyone, it's Mondayyyy ( ;∀;) and that sort of sucks. How was everyone's weekend? I hope you all had a good one, at least! Mine went well and I hosted a very belated house warming party with my girlfriends. I think that was desirable anyway because my friends don't need to give me any gifts since I'm pretty much settled LOL

Quick Notice:
If you have any friends that are FC-less, feel free to recruit them into ours. I'm going to start recruiting more people into our FC once Shadowbringer starts, mainly because I just want to gossip more about other people LOL JK JK !!!!! I just thought it would be nice if we expand the FC a little bit more, just like it was in HW :3

Today's blog post will just be a short XIV one, but excuse the lack of random comments on the screenies! Think my photoshop is acting up and I can't seem to fix it at the moment (╯︵╰,) Anyway, the MGP event is ending on June 24th, so grab as much MGP as you can. Speaking of the event, I was going around to look at the decors, and these two cactuars ((/think))

are they playing flashlight tag??

Then some random stuff that I see outside of our house. Like these two decided to maybe ERP outside of the inn, how awkward ;o;

Children these days just can't stop PDAing, tskkkkk (and ewww)!!!

Some glam glam stuff (Rare come back, let me judge your awful glams). Geir became Iron Man, but the gold has such a sweet glowwwww o:

Neru's mask sorta tripped me out because I thought those gold parts were his eyes LOL and I thought his eyes were bulging out.

Recently, I ran some dungeons with a few FC mates! Neru, Hiro, and I were going to level our other classes or try to reach to 70 at Castrum. Mar saw us queuing and decided to join before he goes sleep, yayyy!

Then Neru slaughtered us all or I guess it was Mar too because he wanted to choose his music (this also sounds familiar Neru, you killed your raid group before too by doing that RIGHHHT?)

Then I took a nice group shot of us, we sort of look like a band here LOL

Few days ago, I saw Basch back online! He's catching up so he can prep for Shadowbringer, wooo! Geir and I ran Skalla with him o: I'm glad I got all the glams from this dungeon... I don't remember how many times I ran this dungeon just for the tops.

Annnd a cool shot of us at the end of the dungeon :D the seal pup minion dropped too!!! I ended up winning with a 66, which honestly, was surprising... cause I thought the pug might have gotten it or something. I already had one so I just wanted to hog it for the FC +__+  and in the end, Geir became the seal pup new owner.


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