Saturday, June 8, 2019

x. Three Summer Countdown Timers

Greetings Ocarina! Weekend is here, June is here, that means summer will be coming... YAY ≧◡≦ !!! I guess technically my title is not quite right, but I always associate summer with June.

Anyway, I'm counting down three things or that I'm anxiously waiting for. One, of course, is Shadowbringer. I'm actually more excited to see the FC being super active again and to explore the expansion together!! I can't wait till we group up and admire the new dungeons, I'll definitely be taking snapshots like a tourist (๑꧆◡꧆๑) huehue

My second one is Fire Emblem Three Houses! I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition so I can get my hands on that art book and I'm really looking forward to it. When it comes to Fire Emblem art books, general rule is get it while they still exist or they are still printing some more. I learned the hard way for Fire Emblem art books because by the time you try to wait for a sale or tell yourself you'll get it later... they're GONE. So when other online bookstores/anime shops have a few books remaining, they are usually more expensive cause they have become collectors item (╯︵╰)

The one art book that I'm quite desperate for is now being sold for $100+... IF ANYONE HAS A USED FIRE EMBLEM 9 TELLIUS AND DOESN'T WANT TO GIVE IT LOVE ANYMORE, I'LL TAKE ITTTTTTTT.

But back to Fire Emblem 3 Houses ;o; the female lead seems interesting. I'm hoping she's not a mary sue cause I often hate those characters, ugh.

And she's looking hella sassy there, I like that LOL

You get to edit your main character (MC) just like Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates; however, after seeing this male MC...I sort of just want to play as him because he looks hella edgy LOL

The female design is okay, but maybe her features are a bit soft or her color palette doesn't quite suit her soft features. Does that even make sense...?

We're definitely getting a loli dragon or young dragon girl because that's a must for all Fire Emblem game. There has to be a dragon, BUT I will say, she's cute though.

Fire Emblem Three House also has their own Anna (merchandise girl)!

There are a few people that got released and they're in different houses (hence the game is called three houses because we will have to choose a "dorm" or house, I think). I didn't read much on these characters because I don't want the info to affect my house/team decision, gotta go into the game super blind!! I have to say, I'm quite liking these character designs. Did I tell you that the girl with the hat is so hooooot? Well let me say, she is hooooot LOL!

Here's the main theme for the game and it's stuck in my heaaaaad.

Reach for my hand
I'll soar away 
Into the dawn
Oh I wish I could stay 

My last countdown timer is for dropping one of my students in which I have taught him for a year now. Quite often, I feel like he doesn't try or spend time doing his homework or study. I wasn't expecting a lot from him since he was pretty shitty with spelling. Furthermore, the mother quite often find some sort of excuse whenever I told her her son's homework is done pretty poorly. There was one conversation where I had to call and talk to her about homework not being completed. Her excuse was that her English isn't strong, so it's difficult to check, but I bluntly told her that shouldn't even be an excuse because it's SO easy to see if the homework is completed or not. the kid and I were doing some consonants sounds and I introduced some easy consonant combinations.

In this exercise, I would sound out each combination and ask him what those combination sounds like. This task was pretty simple, so he got it mostly. In the example column, I told him we are going to spell some words using the consonants we're working on. I thought the instructions were simple, but even when we got to "wr", he was not using the consonants. He would spell the words completely wrong; for instance:

I already highlighted the pattern for him (as you can see what I did with "ph" row) as we were working on this exercise. But he still didn't grasp the pattern for this exercise? I then transitioned this exercise into a simple spelling exercise, but again, we are still using the consonants from the table above. He has access to it and it's right in front of him.

So I told him to try spell echo and he writes:
e h c o w

He later sounds it out and said:

And then he says:
Okay, I'm done!

I get him to fix his spelling and it literally took us 30 minutes to spell "echo" lmao. I wasn't going to baby him because this kid is Grade 4 and going to be in Grade 5. Then I later asked him to spell "rough" and I even gave him a hint that it looks the word "cough", but he wrote:

r u g h f 

Like okayyyyyy omgg. He's usually nice but 1) he's pretty lazy when it comes to work and 2) parents aren't too involved and expect that I fix him completely. So here I am, counting down the weeks until the end of June, where I can drop him completely and treat myself to a facial.


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