Wednesday, June 19, 2019

x. [Part Two] E3 X3 B3

Hey everyone, Happy Wednesday! I'm going to finish up my E3 hype post since last post was mainly Square Enix ^__^ ~~ I'm going to start off with.... Link's Awakening!

If you haven't seen the video yet, here it is!

I haven't played the original, well I tried, but I couldn't get into the game. I started off with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and I guess the old school games weren't that charming to me. So I'm actually pretty excited they decided to remake this game and MAKE EVERYTHING SO GODDAMN ADORABLEEEE.

Seriously, is this cute or seriously cute? If you don't think this is cute, then get out. GET OUT!!!!

Now the next one, I've been waiting for years and now it's here, and that is ANIMAL CROSSING. If you haven't seen the long trailer, here it is!

This reminds me of the mobile game, but I'm hoping it's better or at least an upgrade from New Leaf. So I had quite a lot of problems with New Leaf.

1) The game became a chore (but that might be because I was playing way too much, 8 - 10 hours straight.)

2) When you decorate or create a layout; for example:

You can make really cute side walks and such, but when a new neighbor comes in, they will randomly spawn somewhere and kind of fuck up your design. It's actually annoying because this kind of designing can be incredibly time consuming...and I would prefer that I put my neighbor based on my preference.

3) When it comes to personalities in New Leaf, it doesn't matter anymore. EVERYONE became vanilla and boring, despite them having different personalities. So my two favourite villagers are Mitzi and Blaire. Blaire is snooty (and Sas calls her a bitch) and Mitzi is normal.

Now I want to clear up what "normal" personality is before New Leaf completely ruined it. "Normal" villagers aren't actually normal. They're usually sweet and nice, but they have low self-esteem and some of them, I swear have schizophrenia (because some will mention they have voices in their heads).

Now old Blaire is like this:

But New Leaf took away her sassy and bitchiness and she became vanilla as hell ;o; AND THAT MAKES ME SAD.

When I had Mitzi in my Game Cube version, she was my ultimate favourite. She would tell me she would camp at her window and see if she can see me from her house. I think that's the cutest thing I have ever heard from a non-creepy villager LOL

But anyways, it's about time they release a new Animal Crossing game. I'm excited that this time, we get to decorate an island (and maybe more?)!! Which reminds me...of beetle camping in New Leaf ughhhhh. Don't repeat this pleaseeeee!

Lastly, Breath of the Wild Sequel. If you haven't watched it yet, here's the video:

So I should really go back and finish the game. I got burnt out pretty quickly because I kept trying to do most of the shrines, even though they are optional. I haven't finished the MSQ, despite me watching the cutscenes on YouTube LOL (cause I raged quit). I did like Zelda's design in BotW, I thought her hair was cute here, and I know quite a lot of people talked about her butt. It is a nice butt to look at and I appreciate it d(゚∀゚)

As for her attitude, she starts off pretty sassy and I live for it. 

But now in the sequel, goddamn, is she cute or hella cute!? Her bob is super adorable and I am in love with that design!

I believe Sas might get the sequel because he really enjoyed BotW more than I did. I had a different opinion and I'm still a big fan for Skyward Sword. Though geesh, my gaming back log is increasing annnnd I need to catch up RIP goodbye world and time, I need to prep myself for new games next year!!!


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