Wednesday, June 12, 2019

x. [Part One] E3 X3 83

Hey Ocarina gang! Hope your week is going well! I'm getting really excited for the upcoming games that were announced from E3 ヽ(^Д^)ノ and that's actually rare for me. Usually I like to wait for reviews on the new games/remakes and then I'll either borrow from friends or buy the game much later. Though this year, there are a few remakes and some new games that I'm really looking forward to.

First, I'll start off with Shadowbringer! Now before getting into the details, can we seriously admire the female monsters first? They're just so gorgeous to look at and I really love Titania's colors, it's so beautiful. I hope she drops weapons >__< or even nice accessories!!

And yes, I'm gay for these Siren looking monsters. I find them quite appealing. Just like Haukke Manor succubus, they look attractive to me, at least... LOL!

I wonder what happened to her tho (or him). This design looks very interesting, I want to know the lore for these creatures, AHHH!

And of course, I'm DYING to see these new locations. I honestly CANNOT WAIIIIIT. Feel free to click on the images to enlarge them!! The art work on these new landscapes are stunning, I don't know what else to say, but I have a feeling I will spend hours just checking out the maps (and possibly taking screenies).

I'm calling it already but I'm going to have this place as my home point. I loved how when my friend Kiriya saw this town, he immediately thought about me or he knew I will love this place at first sight.

Hold up. Can we seriously just look at the friggen coloring for this landscape art!? Ugh!! It's SO beautiful!!!!

I cannot wait to go here, I'm pretty sure I posted this before, but I'm posting this AGAIN cause I loooooove it.

This screams out like a super historical painting and I'm loving it.

I'm living for this landscape. It looks huge and I pray it won't be annoying like Sea of Gay.

This is really calling out to my forest child spirit. Ahhhhhh!!!!!

If you haven't seen the long trailer yet, here it is! It was posted on Discord, but it probably got buried.

The second game, as I already mentioned previously, is Fire Emblem Three Houses. I'm not going into much details since I already talked about it, but they released a longer trailer! If you haven't watched it yet, enjoy!! The characters all look so damn pretttty ;o; come faster!!!!

Let's see, another game I'm completely hyped about is Final Fantasy 7. I'm definitely going to buy the deluxe collector's edition, but out of the entire FF7 franchise, Crisis Core is currently sitting at the top for me. I actually didn't quite beat the original FF7 because I sucked at video games when I was a young teen. I know I wasn't too big on story line, but I still enjoyed the game!

Here's the long trailer for FF7 and I'm so damn hyped.

Okay, I don't like her, but I think Aeris looks really beautiful in the remake. I don't know why Japan is making a huge fuss about her face and they apparently prefer her Crisis Core look more. I think she looks...a bit more anime-ish in Crisis Core because look at those huge eyes but I think they wanted to make her look young.

In here, she looks more normal and yes, she should look a bit more mature in FF7 because Crisis Core is a prequel. Mind you, there's a ~7 years time gap between Crisis Core and FF7.

Now the waifu, Tifa. She does look a bit different compared to her other model in Advent Children. This is from the remake:

This is from Advent Children:

God, she's still adorable in Advent Children, but I feel like they're trying to give everyone a realistic face in the remake. The other thing is they definitely tweaked her outfit a bit too. I did like her Advent Children version, I think it looks pretty cool! Left is her AC version and right is her original. Look at her chest too LOL like those huge melons.

In the remake, you will noticed she is wearing another layer underneath her white crop top. They also gave her some stockings, but I'm not complaining. I still think it looks cute with her outfit. The other thing that I did noticed immediately is that they toned down her chest size in the remake LOL

These outfits definitely beat her random ass outfit in Crisis Core though... I dunno, I felt like her cowboy one was a bit out of her character.

ANYWAY!!! The recent and last person they showed was Sephiroth and I am hellllla excited. Yes, I'm a Sephiroth fangirl; however, in this shot, I feel like...they made him REALLY ugly? 

Compare to his bishie looks in Crisis Core:

I feel like maybe it's the angle...but his face looks too square-ish to me in the trailer o(ㄒoㄒ) I'm hoping that was just his bad angle LOL! Maybe he will look amazing in the game!! I can't wait to see Yuffie too, best ninja girl yassssss.

Now now now, speaking of Final Fantasy... they're planning to REMAKE FF8!!! Take my money, I will buy this game as well (and probably collector's). I had a lot of fond memories of FF8. I love the OST, I had a good gaming experience, and I loved exploring the new cities and towns. The story was kind of meh but I still loved the game. Here is their tiny teaser about the remake:

I am wondering how the new Squall will turn out though. I'm hoping they don't really use Dissidia Squall. Here's a comparison of original Squall vs Dissidia Squall (left to right). I'm not sure why they made Dissidia Squall more bishie, I like his original design a lot more and gives off an edgy vibe better.

In game comparison for Original Squall vs Dissidia Squall.
But the person I am super curious to see is my all time favourite FF8 boy, Laguna!

That's it for now, I'll be posting a part 2 later since I don't want to make a SUPER long post about E3 ^__^


  1. I'm feeling pretty hyped too for a lot of games compared to previous years. As someone who isn't a big fan of FF7, the remake is looking really good and I'm excited to give it another chance.

    YASS LAGUNA! <3 FF8 has a special place and a lot of memories for me as well. Original Squall is best Squall.

    I've never played a Fire Emblem game, but it does look interested and the character designs look beautiful! Also liking the dark vibes of the Zelda sequel! :o

    1. YASSSS Lagunaaaa club here!!!!! I'm with you, last year, it didn't feel like there were a lot of games up my alley. Suddenly, this feels like Christmas!

      I highly recommend Fire Emblem and majority of the series aren't tied together. It is a strategy game but you can choose difficulty ^__^ I'm totally living for Zelda's new hair cut, she's so flipping adorable.


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