Tuesday, March 27, 2018

x. Pleasant Surprises

Happy Tuesday Ocarina!! Hope everyone's beginning of the week went well, maybe work was slow or maybe you slept late on some nights cause you were grinding Eureka (or MHW), but we survived Monday and so we can survive this week too!!

Before I forget and it's of course related to the first image:




It was definitely a pleasant surprise to see you log on after 717 days (yes our FC said so) and I was pretty happy to hear that you're going to play for awhile and catching up with main story! Really hope you'll enjoy HW and SB story cause they're so far so good! 
I'll start the blog off with some random screenie dump. You'll definitely see some screenies that are rather outdated, but I mean, I can still talk about them right!? I kind of forgot to blog about them, even though these screenies were chilling in my blogging folder... (。ノω\。)

Going back in February, our Valentine's Day event was pretty cute actually! The furniture was adorable, especially the rose carts. I ended up getting 8 of them while helping some FC mates...but I don't think I can use them all. I also thought the maze was really well-designed, it's absolutely cute!

Look at these circular ponds and flower beds!! I wish we could grab them for our outdoor lawn!!! 

The card game was just the usual matching stuff and you get to marked them if you want. Sas didn't understand what to do at first cause he's a scrub.

And this is what the end of the maze looks like when you and your friend/partner get the super BFF status! ( ´﹀` )

Rare also got a new medium house when SE released new plots and he was busy decorating his front lawn. Sas and I came over to visit his lawn and see his work in progress.

Then he had to change some things on his lawn LOL....

I'm jelly of people with the Byakko Doggo and I hate doing Byakko because he takes so long uguuuu... maybe I'll wait till patch 5.0 so that farming these primals may be quicker 

Ava doing his rotations on the dummy (like we used to see back in the days) and he didn't rage quit like a specific player that we used to know ≧◠◡◠≦ HEHEHE

And there's just something about PF that tends to catches my attention LOL who wants some of that Lalafell hardcore RP in our FC :3c?

I still get Steps of Gay when doing trial roulettes and I still hate this trial with a burning passion. It sucks and it takes so fucking lonnng, but YOU GOTTA STAY POSITIVE IN THE TRIAL OR ELSE EVERYTHING GOES TO SHIT.

I'll end this screenshot section with a recent raid picture  we managed to beat O7S with 1 DPS, 2 healers, and 2 tanks HAHAHAHA

Now some Eureka stuff to end today's post ~ if some of you guys want some grinding help, feel free to ask!! The new updated Eureka lockboxes a bit, just less fireworks and some Eureka pots. I was kind of hoping they add in primal weapons like Palace of the Dead and just make it really rare? Or even a random primal drop like the fiend sap (╯︵╰) ah well!

While in Eureka, there are some interesting player names that caught my attention and I just have to make a collage LOL

Okay one of them was DEFINITELY not in Eureka....


For once, I captured a screenshot of a notorious monster where I can see it clearly. This does reminds me of Aikia for some reason and I cannot explain why, so don't ask ... LOL!

DAT COSPLLLLAYYY THO, maybe I should make a glam collage too...HMM!

Random cute shack that Lunaria and I found while running to a notorious monster fate 

°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Little mog army in Eurekaaa, we're all so chubby and cute!

Then there's a T-rex party that formed while we were waiting for our notorious monster to spawn. LOOK AT THE LALAFELL ONE, ITS SOOOO TINNNNNY!!!!

I tried to uber Rare but I mean this isn't my fault ¯\_(°‿°)_/¯ it's your fault that you died!

Here's Sas joining a bunch of randoms and making a chair wall LOL

╰(*´︶`*)╯And I'll end the post with me and my new AST relic wep!


  1. Well well well, just look at the stunning Roe at the top of this article! Best article we've seen in quite a while!

    1. Look at this sneaky anonymous commenter <3


Don't be shy and comment away :D !!!