Monday, February 5, 2018

x. Nevermind 4.2, It's MHW!

Greetings Ocarina, I hope everyone has been doing well! Patch 4.2 has arrived, but same goes with Monster Hunter World! I started off a little late, but after trying it out a bit, I got into it. Thankfully, I had received a gift card as my Christmas gift, so I basically got the game for free (^º◡º^❁) hehe!

To be honest, I didn't think this would be my kind of game and yes, this is my first MH game o: but I've been really enjoying it a lot since I get to play with my FC mates (playing wise, other details I will go into it later), especially when we're hunting my monsters to help me progress LOL

On a random note, this is one of the few games where I wish I was a male character because their outfits are better than the females. However, the palicos (your kitty side kicks) gets the CUTEST outfits ever and they are all so adorable TT__TT!!!

Anyway, here are some screenies for you all to look at :3 fair warning though, it includes some monsters and scenic minor spoilers!!
Of course, butt pics are appreciated ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), so I made a collage for all my friends to see.

The skies are very pretty in game, I really like looking at it when it's changing.

Some scenery pics, not much, as I don't want to spoil too much for others that didn't play yet.

Coral Highlands is amazingly beautiful. I actually really like this map.

These little eels are super cute and they're so shy!! Awww ;o;!!!!

Sunset picture is always a must for me in any game.

The moon!!! It's so beautiful o:

My first complaint about this game:

This girl is your navigator/side kick, and no, this isn't a spoiler because she appears in the opening cut scene. Through your tutorial, it is pretty heavily implied she will be your side kick. However, she is way worse than Navi from Ocarina of Time. I don't even KNOW how can any partner be worse than her?? HOW COME I CANNOT PICK MY SIDE HOE ಥ╭╮ಥ???

1) She's dumb.
2) She always gets herself in near death situation and I have to save her ass 99.9% of the time.
3) She's dumb
4) She gives me hints that are not helpful
5) She's dumb
6) She says things that are obvious.
Her: Our ship is stuck up there.
Me: Yes no shit Sherlock. Thank you for saying that.

My response every time she does something dumb:

Here are some monster encountering screenies that I took, and again, some minor spoilers here so be careful (^・x・^)!!

My other complaint about this game is that there are certain things that I don't fully agree with people's reasoning in hunting. I mean...yes...we're hunting monsters, but in some ways, these are living creatures LOL so the story line does not match well with my beliefs cause some cases seem too cruel/extreme.

However, I wouldn't mind killing this hoe so I can get my revenge. He slapped me around twice and I died immediately, but I don't know if I really deserved that if I entered his hunting territory (╯︵╰,)

He was really hard for me so I needed some FC peeps to help me ;o; he would not stop flying away from me and I was also pretty undergeared to do any damage to this guy. Although he's more like looking out for the monsters on this if I'm attacking him, doesn't that make me a douche (´。_。`)?

The other part that slowly kills my heart and soul is chasing the monsters back to their nests. All the monsters end up looking somewhat adorable when they're sleeping, but look at these poor fellas!! They're all so heavily injured BUT I'M STILL CHASING AFTER THEM JUST TO KILL THEM.

To add onto that, when these monsters fly away, they're limping and making injured noises. That sometimes breaks my soul and I always feel bad while chasing them down LOL

I kinda want to pet them TT__TT....

And then you occasionally get wyvern tears... like did I hit them so hard...they shed tears....?

Switching to something cuter and happier, palicos in MHW are really cute and I can't stop saying how cute they are.

You can occasionally find your friend's palico and they can team up with you on your hunts! I thought that was cute and neat o: Neru's palico is apparently my first friend ~

I sent Aikia's palico off for an expedition and he brought me back some good loot. What a good kitty ~~ and they're ALL so cute ฅ/ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \!

Here's mineeee in a cut scene, but they blurred my cutie in the background cause the focus point was on somebody else >:C

Also everyone, don't play with Aikia. HE ALMOST MADE ME NOT GET MY LOOT IN ONE OF THE FIGHTS. Just kidding Aikia, you're cool....NOT HAHAH.

Wow Neru :3c (actually everyone says that when they mount the monster, but Neru says it very often cause he mounts them all the time) LOL

I love the extra stuff in game for palicos. This is too cute.

And I'll end my post with this.


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