Monday, July 4, 2016

x. Quick Update - Summer Summer please be kind.

Hello Ocarina members, it has been awhile since I updated the blog. Recently work has been really busy and it was almost hard to juggle a lot of things for the last few weeks. Some companies just won't get off their high horse and so I had to send them over to my manager. Don't have time for bullshit man :x there are some incompetent people out there and they're just making everyone's lives harder.

As well, I was having some trouble handling some uncertainties with people in real life. Most of the problems had been solved/sorted and I'm very happy about it. Only a few of my problems remains unsure or perhaps the friendship is gone for good.

These are the ones where I'm hesitating whether I should continue putting in any effort in mending/saving the relation. If you had some similar experiences, feel free to share as well or even pointers ~ I'll read them.

Anyway, I'll stop with the rant because that's not the MAIN POINT of this blog!!

I want to start off the post by saying...

Thank you to all of you for being patient and understanding that I haven't been updating the blog much. I know a handful of you guys were asking me when the next post is coming up and I kept saying I'll post "soon". Despite me making some half ass promise on updating the site, you guys didn't actually bug me or rush me on a blog post.

Thank you for showing any random act of kindness. You guys helped tended the garden while I was busy. You guys helped maintain and fed the chocobos (mostly Hiro and Nox, I'll give you credits). You guys surprised me with some random gifts here and there with heart warming mog mails. You guys collected some treasure maps and got me to come along.

Thank you for sticking by the FC even though I haven't been putting in much effort recently. I'm really hoping none of you guys are growing tired of the FC and I would like to put in some time and energy back to maintain the FC.

With that being said, I do have a few goals I would like to progress, starting this month. Please bear with me, and again, I need your patience. Starting July...
  1. Blog will be updated weekly, once or twice per week.
  2. One FC event per month again - sign up will still be on our subreddit 
  3. Hosting weekly treasure map nights - once a week at least
  4. Hosting raffle tickets once every 2 weeks. 
  5. Slowly updating quotes page.
I'll start with those goals at the moment. I'm just throwing this out there so that I'm not neglecting you guys just because of work. The FC chest has quite a bit of money and I would love to throw that gil at you guys with some interactive/fun activities! Summer is here too so I would like another memorable summer with you all.

I'll also leave you guys a song that's been stuck in my head forever (but I also like it):

With that being said,

Please look forward to it (but with promises).


  1. Novel Nox and AriruJuly 4, 2016 at 9:00 PM

    Aww Dolce don't worry about not updating! (Even though we enjoy reading it a lot @v@). We just want you to be okay! I hope work and IRL stuff works out. I've actually had problems with a friend before but since I don't know the specifics maybe we can take it up on Skype and I can help?

    And don't feel as if me and Ariru have left btw, because we haven't! We actually got one of our irl friends to play starting tomorrow (I think?), and we want to introduce him to the FC later on if that's okay? :3 Gonna level up our alts to 60 with him and keep on adventuring with you all ^_^ Aquapolis day sounds fun :D Looking forward to everything!

    1. Aww Nox and Ariru, thank you for your kind words!! I'll talk to you guys on Skype sometime this week then ~ need some more input on some things anyway!

      I know you guys didn't leave the FC :3 so don't worry! You guys made alts on Cactuar anyway, so I'm glad you guys did that ^__^ and I'd be happy to take your friend in, hopefully I can find you guys when I log on tonight <3

  2. Don't stress yourself on updating the blog~ I just hope work and life eases and that you're doing alright! <3 As for friendships, I've gone through some interesting ones over the past few years. I don't know what the details are, but I personally stopped making any effort if the other person is unwilling to do the same. I hope it all gets worked out for the best~ Do what's best for your sanity and happiness <3

    I'd love to do a map night (even though I'm shit at reading them, LOL..>_>). I have several actually that I've been hanging onto. I'm chill with whenever stuff goes down, looking forward to everything~ :D Let me know if you need any help with anything or just need to vent.

    1. Thank you so much Lunaria! Work is easing up little by little, but can still be a roller coaster ride. Really hoping that it dies down a bit more later in the summer cause it feels like my summer is going by really fast.

      I have done the same as you when the other person is unwilling to make an effort. That was with my long-time childhood friend as well, but that was a few years ago ~

      Guess I'll grab y'all when I have several maps in my inventory :D they're actually surprisingly fun, so good thing SE has something for us to do!!


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