Tuesday, May 17, 2016

x. Lonnng Weekend!!!

Hello everyone, I hope you are patiently waiting for Patch 3.3! I'm excited for it too and I'm also looking forward to my long weekend! Just did some spring cleaning with my screenshot folders and yeup...folders and folders of screenshooooots!

Anyway, let's start with the raid :D we're making progress in A6S and we're on the last mini boss. I'm pretty excited but hopefully Geir makes a good recovery this week <3

I totally solo healed A5S ;3 screenshot for proof, HEHE.

Ikea and Geir started sleeping with each other on the job :x

and when Ria was still wearing her bobo suit LOL her mouth opens like a dumb bobo ~

While we're waiting for our cooldowns....<_< Aikia...

Taking a break together and waiting for people :D BFFs!

Recently I won a Bennu from a competition :3 and I'm pretty happy that I got it! It is an ugly phoenix but I can live with this since it gives me nostalgic feels of T12.

But to be fair, I think it looks pretty damn cool during night time!

Here are some battle pictures with some FC mates <3 Hiro joined Sas and I for an EXDR and our poor lala forgot some mechanics, so he's just napping on the floor.

CT as always is amusing because....

wipes still do exist!!

Then some of us ran some leveling dungeons anddd I got my NIN to 57. I'm tooo lazy to get it to 60 >_<

Then some stalker photos of the FC mates :D of course, there must be a picture of Ubi!


Group picture :D with Hiro Biro and Odetta Chan ~~

AFK Neru = slap him to death time

The moogle club <3

Hiro Biro and his minions, crafter lalas are definitely the cutest.

A few of us did some firework shows ^___^

Annnnd finally, some individual shots! Starting off with happy Lunariaaa <3

Chub Chub Neru

and AFK King Mor!


  1. ooo that's a really nice pic of lunaria!!

  2. Your edits make me want to paint all the things! collllors~ *___*
    Grats on your fire birdy!!! :D I'm excited for 3.3 as well~ Hopefully I'll be playing a bit more when I finish some work.

    1. I can say the same thing since I love your edits and art style ~~ ganbatte on your commission though, I believe in you!


Don't be shy and comment away :D !!!