Sunday, April 17, 2016

x. Over Viewing - Patch 3.2 (Avoid if needed)!

Hello gorgeous people! I hope you guys are having a good weekend. The weather here is kind of gloomy, so I'm hoping there will be more sun next week. I'll try to keep up with blog posting, but I recently got a new job, so my sleeping hours are shifted. To those that work in the morning, I feel you. It feels so painful Q^Q

Anyways, I've been meaning to do this blog post for awhile! I really do like Lost City HM just because it is Lost City. I adore the fantasy feel with the butterflies and the charming architecture. The music is nice even though its a remake of XI/Lost City NM. 

Here are some scenery shots for you guys ^__^ it's hard to notice things when doing the dungeon. I also merged some pictures together in case you're wondering if you're seeing things, hehe ~

While photoshopping, I just realized how this dark room leads to a light room +_+

Ready to pew pew pew on the last boss!

*______* so charming!

The next set of scenery stuff would be Antitower! Personally, this dungeon is alright. I don't really like how we can't do big pulls at the beginning :c it feels way too slow. There are some charming and mystical stuff about this dungeon, but I think the bosses didn't win my heart that much.

Nice scenery if you look at the bottom ~

Welcome to Naria ~~

Dungeon hallways

The ceiling o:

The dolls are so cuuuute <3

As for raiding, there are quite a few things for raiders to tackle on ★ !

First we got that lovely Sephirot!


In comes the new Alexander Midas ;3 I personally enjoy it and it is really fun! I'm pretty happy with how the end-game is going and hah, that recent change to A6S! Ohs well.

★ Friendship is POWER 

:D :D :D


We'll eat you Shanoa (sounds like Chanel when Sas calls it out)

The sex dungeons <_<


What's your favourite part of Patch 3.2-3.25? :o


  1. All of these shots are beautifully composed and edited! <3 I so wish we could explore the backgrounds of these place! I just want to get lost in it! Love the design of Antitower, but I def prefer Lost City between the two. The music has been my favorite this patch.

    1. Awww thank you Lunaria ^___^ !! I definitely agree with you. I wish we could actually explore the town instead of admiring it from a distance. It would be interesting if we could have small fights while exploring the little town. Put in some more creativity, even though this is a great start to making end-game better.

  2. My favorite part has been the... beast tribes?! lol I enjoyed the Gnath quests alot actually. But the rewards (the mount) was kind of meh! Also, the feast is meh :(

    1. I have yet to try the beast tribes...I almost got into Feast if they didn't change the requirements during patch updates. As usual, PvP has a lot of toxic people, so that's another factor. I still wouldn't mind playing with a few people, but I think the Feast didn't grab our attention that much it seems.

    2. What did they change? :o

    3. Ohs I just didn't like the additional vulnerable stacks based on your medals haha!

  3. I like that Midas has some character to it (giant cats, power rangers, transformations, yey). Gordias felt very bland/stale in comparison.

    The EXDR dungeons are better in some ways (they're less annoying) and worse in others (the pacing is bad). I'm just glad they fixed the healer accuracy issues.

    Overall, my favourite part is playing SCH! The new fights are fun for healers (moreso dpsing than healing :D), and it's very interesting coming back to healing since I stopped in 2.1.

    1. Wow you actually used "Susan"! Midas is enjoyable, although I wish we got giant Shanoas in A7S Savage instead of more balls. She's already huge, it would be hilarious.

      Antitower is annoying though, the first boss is not my favourite, but it's not as bad as the bee boss from Saint Moc. However, I much prefer Saint Moc over Antitower. That's just meeeee.

      and RIP heals in static. I jk <3


Don't be shy and comment away :D !!!