Wednesday, January 13, 2016

x. Optimism & Determined

Good evening/morning/night my lovely FC, another blog post for you to read while you're on a break at work or slacking at work :D I hope you guys are not catching a cold or being sick, winter is here (well for most of us), so dress warmly!!

I'll start the blog with some dungeon pictures! Root, Ubi, Rare, and I went to Snowcloak for our lvl 50 dungeon roulette. I kind of miss this place since I hardly get into this dungeon! We did it without a tank, so Rare was tanking most of the time :3

Ria likes to kill these poor animals :c it's awful!

That silly gobbue was brutally murdered +_+

Pretty scenery pics is a must! Super gorgeouuuuus <3

And she decided to kill this dog. HOW CAN YOU SAY YOU WANT TO SEE BEEMO YET KILLING FENRIR!?

Beemo, do you approve of this? Yeah, he doesn't approve.

Steaming got her BRD to 59 and so I decided to help her grind to 60. It was relatively fast and about 4 full runs, she got to 60! Steaming is a bit insane because she later decided to start her relic quest and fate grinded for her crystals within two days.

Since Steaming needs to hold agro, she needs her sheepy afro LOL

And the night I CANNOT forget was having Ubi to bring me to T4!! We duo'd the place 4 times so that I can get my bear faster and that could help his desynth levelling.

Look at his poor HP LOL!

He realllly didn't like this place HAHAHAHA.

Some raid pictures as well :D the main group could finally one shot Thordan EX. On Monday night, we were killing Thordan BAM. BAM. BAM! DONE! Good job team ^_^ we finally got our set of Thordan weapons <3

Some action shots in Thordan \ ( ^ o ^ ) /

Then we headed into Alex Savage, not only to get our weekly loots, but we finally get to show Ria and Geir A3S!!

It has been awhile since we were in A3S since we were mostly spending our time in Thordan. I must say that break was necessary and now I'm feeling pretty determined in Alex Savage again. After our A3S run that night, I really want to compliment the team. The biggest highlights of A3S fight during that night:

1) We managed to get to adds phase very consistently and we just need to work on stunning the adds 

2) Digititus was handled pretty well and clean!

3) We have a good shot in seeing Cascade again - let's see it on Wed night guys <3

4) After a break from A3S, I certainly feel the older members are feeling more positive.

In general, the group seems happier and we're feeling pretty pumped. I'm very sure that one of these days...Living Liquid will be DOWN!

Finally, the final section of the post will be FC group pictures ^__^

Ohs I found this little house by our neighborhood and this reminded me of Sas. He loves his snowmen.

Gestahl puppy channn, so kawaiii!!!

Ariru Chan is finally online :D Welcome back Ariru and Nox! I hope the apartment renovation is going well, despite there are tons of work to do >__<!

Ria, Geir, and I decided to chill with <<HAVEN>> since they had a drama llama in front of their house. We brought some popcorn, desserts, and sweets while we watched the drama queen being bitter about certain things LOL and yes...we sure are nosy neighbors.

More FC moneyyyy awww yesss I love it when this happens. By the way, another FC event coming soon, so you guys better get ready >:3

Ubi and I recently did some big renovations around the house. I spent most of my morning revamping the interiors and I'm super pleased in how it came <3

I really want to thank Ubi and also Ria for helping me out with the Mog house. I really wanted the Mog house but I wasn't sure how I would get it. I was imagining myself working the house for 1-2 weeks since it required a shit ton of materials.

But nope, Ubi and I worked on the house like mad for two full days with some help from Ria. I want to sincerely thank Ubi for helping me out with this because without your help, I'm pretty sure I'll take forever on this house!!

And when the mog house was finished, I took out some outdoor decorations and BAM! House changing time!! Since Sas was on the roof, as the house changed, he got buried LOL

Here is Ubi being super relieved that the house was finished HAHA

This picture looks so summery but it also represents how happy I am with the new house <3 <3

Ubi and I admiring our art ^___^ and celebrating that we accomplished something!

Night nights, Ocarina ~!!


  1. Please make Beemo a regular feature on here?! :D

    Thar dog minion you have though, is super creepy. D:

    1. AWw the puppy isnt that scary LOL! Beemo Chan will come into the post once in awhile :D

    2. I hope so, otherwise my new saying will become "Not enough Greyson OR Beemo". :S


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