Thursday, January 7, 2016

x. Happy Belated New Years

Hey everyone ~ I hope you all had a good New Years and Christmas celebration! Mine was pretty busy but I'm happy that I get to see most of my friends over the holidays <3 I recently revamped the FC house, so if you're curious, go ahead and check it out :D 

I'll start the post with some raiding pictures mwahaha. I want to happily announce that Geir is now a permanent raider in our group, so we're very happy to have you on our team! As well, we are getting a bit excited to drag Root and Geir into A3S hell. *creeply crackles to self*

For the relic grinders, we did it for them. It was just us killing the A rank o:

Grabbing our weekly loots as usual ^__^ less messy runs (but I mean, we like it messy ;3 hehehe)

Living Liquid, it's nice to see you again....

but NOPE NOPE NOPE. Back to Thordan! Few more runs until I get my stupid weapon. The weapon drops suck ;o; We've been getting better in Thordan EX, so that makes me happy. I really like healing this fight because it can be challenging at times ~ I definitely love this more than A3S.

And now, I shall spam you all with some dungeon pictures. Since the main raid group is doing some job swapping when 3.2 comes, I'm currently levelling my WHM...very slowly :P I am a big slacker when it comes to levelling.

The recent challenge for lvl 50 DR is to do the dungeon WITHOUT a tank! Sometimes when things are on my ass, I'll have to spam heal or even use Benediction. When it comes to bosses, it's really amusing to watch the DPS battling for aggro.

Pharooooos <3 still as pretty as ever.

Bleh this boss kinda hurts like a bitch ;o; and those adds are a bit tanky.

Purdyyyy :D gosh the scenery still attracts me, a lot.

Straight burning. Fast and painless.

Of course, selfieee LOL


And then there is Qarn HM! General rule to remember, I don't open doors for peasants <3

Mystical and spoooky

Ubi looks like he's running away!

Omg you guys are sooo cool in these shots

The last boss! This was definitely easier and doable with a healer LOL last time Neru and I had to tank swap on our WAR.


Of course, some EXDR shots that I secretly took when we're running ^__^

Rare and I posing in Saint Moc :D #TeamHeals go!

Ubi and I joined Ava for his EXDR (even though we did ours, but I mean, we love Ava and I need more glamor). Saw another roe with ...a nice ass LMAO HAHAHAHA it was great.

Void Ark funsies with FC!! And of course, Scherza DCing at the beginning. That poor popoto.

*____* Now next time, I'll try to ninja a shot of the FC group.

Lastly, some FC shots at Mist. Our roes that night were having some intimate bonding time. PDAing. Yes. PDAing, how nasty.

This one was kinda cute, despite the PDA.

Ubi and Mar driving their turtles poorly. Don't know who is at fault :c

I went to go visit an old friend from my previous FC ^_^ here he is crafting hard just to help his FC!

Grey dressed up for Christmas o: so red.

Sas was teaching me WAR rotation and there's Ubi practicing his stripper dance in front of us.

Roes PDAing again. You guys are soooo tall D: D:

I'll end the post with Ubi trying to train his reindeer popotos :3 so cute!


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