Wednesday, December 23, 2015

x. Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Cucco Raid

Another blog update incoming! These screenshots are slightly outdated, so I'll blog again some time this week <3 anyway, some good things had happened this week! I want to start off with the raid group :D

Holiday raiding has been hard on us with scheduling. Parties and family time, but I mean, Christmas is coming! We got our usual weekly loots from Alex savage and then we threw ourselves onto...

Thordan EX!! Of course, we were coming closer and closer into the fight. I have to admit that Thordan EX is probably the only new content that has got me going and to continue to raid. It's fun, it's exciting, and the challenge level was just perfect. I have found that Thordan EX had also saved our raid energy because Alex Savage sucks dick?

After our 3rd night of attempting Thordan EX together, we downed that unsexy pope before maintenance!! We're ready to farm but not going to do that in awhile. Holidays are coming up and I'm super excited ^__^ WOO!

This will be long...but I have to celebrate Cucco's first year raid anniversary.

I want to do a shout out for Ocarina's core raid. Thank you for being with me and Sas on this raiding journey for a full year. It has been a pleasure and I'm quite thankful that we didn't break apart. I have been reading and hearing that A3S had destroyed many statics, but we chose friendship over progression (I mean we got to the last step of A3S too). We celebrate each baby step and we try to make the best out of the raid nights (despite Alex savage burning us out).

I really want to give a big shout out to the bizbois, Neru and Rare. You two seriously stuck by us for ages, and seriously Neru, I feel like I owe you a big time. Thank you for offering me the healer spot in the raid when I was upset at how SE changed BRD. Thanks for switching mains a lot so you can benefit the raid. This goes for Sasuun as well. Thank you for taking up MCH to benefit the raid group. Rare, you've been the best WHM ever, I cannot ask for more. You actually HEAL people. You don't misuse Medica II and you follow NUMBER MARKING!! You also helped me a lot with raid food gathering, and I'm seriously happy about that!

I will never forget Avasir for sticking by us for the entire Final Coil. You, my friend, had definitely dodged the Alex Savage bullet. You should be proud and I know you're still reading this +__+ come by and visit us some day!

I also can't forget Aikia, the last member into our raid, who also happens to be a great addition to our family. Good luck with your new work schedule and I hope you're getting lots of rest! Come back to us when you're free again :D as well, Kiriya and Steaming for sticking by us throughout Heavensward (and still are)! I'm very pleased to have you two as my tanks in the group!

We recently lost one of our long term raiding comrade, Zetto, due to school schedules coming in conflict with raid. Thank you Zetto for sticking by with us for so long! We wish you success and good luck in your co-op opportunity! We will always welcome you back when you need a team to raid again.

Thank you Geir for being a consistent sub and has been offering his time to our group. You might as well stay permanent because we seriously love to have you! Thank you Root for offering her availability, and once again, you'll be raiding with us (drink some more if you need to). We really do miss our drunk members in our previous raid team <3

Enough of the cheesy thank you stuff, I'm going to throw in some random dungeon shots!! I don't really take a lot of screenshots in Void Ark, mostly because my runs had been pretty smooth. It's actually a change for once! We used to wipe a lot in the previous towers, but for this one, I have yet to be in a group where we would wipe endlessly.

Here is catboi Mar!

Annnnd boooooty <3 I got a good picture fufufu hehe

Some EXDRing shots of FC peeps ~~

Since SE fails to give us more fun contents, a few of us decided to do some challenging level 50 dungeon runs. The challenge is to go through the dungeons without a healer. I must does give me some good practice in how to use my WAR. I'm sure the DPS team are having some good practice in bursting damages too :3

It's even more amusing when you watch your friends get bitch slapped by the boss and they just lay dead until the end of time LOL

Awww we look amazing <3

This boss was actually pretty hard. Not only were we building LB, but we had the NINs to take turns taking aggro before I take aggro. I also need some practice in timing Holmgang (and I hate that skill too) <_<;;

And of course, some screenshots of Ocarina members. How can I forget you guys!? Here is a picture of Ariru in her new outfit ~ she looks cute in lavender color!

Root sitting in front of me inappropriately :x how rude.

Spending time together as the sun sets down ~

I looove how we have matching outfits from time to time ^__^!!

Annnnd introducing Ubi and his gay love story. It's awfully romantic and cute!!

not sure...what was glowing...

Root really approves.


Ubi...where are you touching?

Self-explanatory pictures....incoming!

Now...settling in together.

I want to say...good luck to the relic grinders because I had given up that shit. Especially the last step to the relic (and we all know that isn't the LAST step, but the beginning step to grind hell). My relic owns yours and everyone knows the ARR relics looked better. Pft!

Time to end the post with a dance photo!


Don't be shy and comment away :D !!!