Tuesday, December 29, 2015

x. Felt like a Miracle

Greetings my lovely Ocarina people ~ I do have some exciting news to share, but I'll leave all that excitement later. I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas week, I must say, 2 glasses of wine on Christmas morning was a good start for me. I almost couldn't make it on Christmas, but thankfully bailey x coffee saved me. Otherwise, I would've been sleeping on my food at the table.

Speaking of alcohol, Ocarina had a drunk night few weekends ago. We did a little warm up and our very first one was Titan EX! I mean, it was a warm up right? It turned out pretty OKAY!

Then Shiva Shiba ~

We brought Esra and Ubi to T12 :3 Rare tried telling Esra to stop running on mumble even though she wasn't on mumble lolll

And then the group dragged them into T13!! Look at all those explosions :D

We later played with Twintania and Sas dropped both the Neurolinks onto the SAME SPOT.

The background is really neat, you don't get to enjoy little things while you raid o:

Then we tried Levi EX, I don't know how many of us were getting buzzed, but...we still did it?? LOL

We took a short break so Ubi was doing a bit of crafting. Ubi Ubi ~~ I'm going to creep on you >:3


We gave Minfilia a nice visit and we are praying hard that she becomes like an Ascian bitch so we can finally kill her!

To end our party night, we brought Greyson into T13 ^_^ congratulations to Esra (I forgot to congratulate you earlier) and Greyson in becoming the Final Witnesses ~ enjoy the cutscenes when you get the time!

and a dance party to end our night <3

Now I'm going to throw in some dungeon shots. So a few of us went into lvl 50 dungeon roulette without a healer again, and we got our favourite dungeon of all time...Sastasha Gaymode. Now I'm going to say the first boss was actually challenging since Neru and I had to swap and mitigate/stun. We took about 3-4 attempts to kill this boss (including LB1) because HE HURTS SO MUCH.

and now some pretty screenries/action shots :D!

Aww we're like actual adventurers here, discovering this awful dungeon, and waiting on Neru to come back to us :P

Kraken was easy peasy. He wasn't hard ~~!

Here is Amdapor Keep HM without healer ~ it was pretty fun!

The first two bosses were not so bad, but we did sacrifice Neru's life for the 2nd boss. He couldn't Holmgang in time and I couldn't land my hits fast enough, so he hugged the floor hard.

And this last boss is seriously a dick. I HATE HIM SO MUCH.

It took us a few attempts while Ria and Scherza were taking turns soaking up some damage. Scherza looks like a small popoto in the screenshot...+___+ just rolling to the exit.

Speaking of Christmas and wishes, I am very happy to announce that Avasir had paid us a visit!! From the bottom of my heart: WELCOME BACK TO OCARINA, AVASIR LAN'DAL! This year's Christmas couldn't get better for me ~ so thank you for popping by and surprised us with a visit! We have missed our signature grey Roe (a lot) and our gaming adventures are still continuing!

Definitely re-sub and play with us <3 you should tag along with us when we go for drunk party nights hehehehe!!

and of course, Rare the not pure white mage needs to DIRTY THE MOMENT WITH HIS STRIPPER ATTIRE :C

To properly greet Avasir back into the game, Neru, Root, and I popped his new dungeon cherry (and no, we didn't go gently) :D I decided to warm him up with Pharos since the dungeon is pretty straight forward and easy.

Then we popped his Saint Moc cherry!! Although Ria really dislikes this dungeon mostly because of the bees, I still adore the scenery.

Pop pop pop pop pop!

And now I will end the post with some random screenshots and FC snapshots. PF never stops amusing us, especially when you find things like this LOL:

I was helping a friend doing some leveling and we found a David Bowie. DAMN.

Invisible gloves...guess MNKs really like fisting <_<

We all know Neru gives off the gay aura and I have a good solid screenshot to show that LOL

Vanu Vanu dancers ~!!

We threw our Fat Cats out and they decided to gather as a group o: they're soooo cute!

Then they all gathered ...

Sas decided to create a Fat Cat train ;o;

Those poor fatties, now they won't move.

Rare and I posing ~ (pst I look better)

Mar and I happened to be matchy with our tank outfits o_o we look amazing!

While some of us were waiting for others to gather around for Alex, Neru and I fused our primal books together and together we got a firey kingly primal +__+ and that's all for now, peeps! I hope you guys are looking forward to New Years and hope you finished making your New Years Resolutions!


  1. Senpai, SENPAIIIIIIII!!!!! *Grabby hands* *Tears of joy* Ava my forever <3

    Also thank you all again for helping (carrying) me through my final whitness!

    That first shot of Saint Moc is just perfect!

    Also OMG I was in a dungeon with that David Bowi'e guy jusy today! o.O


  2. Awww yeah it was great to come back and do the new stuff and play with people again. I should be subbing again at some point in January so I'll definitely be back!

  3. We want to be in on drunk nights tooooo!!! ;____;


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