Friday, December 4, 2015

x. Appreciation Post - The Colorful Artist, Lunaria Knight!

I was thinking of posting a longer blog post on my Japan trip, but I'll postpone that for now. I've been meaning to do this post before I left for Japan, but you know procrastination on several things didn't
work out so well (and quote page, I know I know). This appreciation post will go to....Lunaria Knight!

I met Lunaria through the wonders of Instagram. I followed her account because she was posting amazing scenery shots, and yes, I'm a huge fan of scenery pictures. She didn't start on Cactuar, she was on a different server (if I remember correctly, wasn't it Balmung?) since she was there with a friend. When she left her first FC, she expressed she didn't know where to go and didn't know where to search for an FC where she could fit in.

And here she is, transferred to Cactuar, with Ocarina.

I can tell people genuinely like you because you're so calm and nice. It's funny that people think you're super innocent, but really, you'll flash for money LOL I appreciate that humorous side of you, I'm sure William's pure image of you is slowly going away. At the same time, people do enjoy your company while doing raids and dungeons! You hardly ever complain about other DF players unlike...majority of us (especially when we go into 24 man raids) :P

You're also a very independent person and sometimes I worry if you do need help or not. You're very understanding that other people have other things to do in game, so you try not to bother others in the FC. Though, I do appreciate that you're being mindful of others. Before, you would hardly ask for help in FC chat. But now, I see you ask people if they would like to join you for EXDR or Levelling Roulette!

Seeing you opening up and asking for help once in awhile was a nice gradual change because I know it was somewhat out of your comfort zone. Plus, like I said, I enjoy your company when we party together. You also don't mind me and Ubi doing dumb things (maybe mostly Ubi) when we do our dungeon runs together :3 It's why I ask you from time to time if you got maps on you or what you're queueing for, because...why not? You're in the FC, of course we will help you!

Lunaria, I'm very appreciative that you are an extremely polite person and probably the first that I have encountered in XIV. The way you treat or respond to others, it makes us feels appreciated and it makes us feel good inside. In addition, because you're so polite, you're a very chill person to hang out with. There are so many female players (or are we for certain they are girls ;o??) that would make a big fuss over something stupid. But you, Lunaria, just let things go and simply enjoy your moments in the game. It's like you reached nirvana or something.

Due to your polite and chill personality, I was comfortable in providing you tips for BRD rotations pre-Heavensward. Your eagerness to learn was definitely something that I sincerely appreciate as well. I watched you practiced your rotations on the dummy at the FC house. I watched you improve your DPS numbers every time we raided. Thank you for being a keen leaner and for not being afraid in asking for tips.

When you told me that people from your previous FC didn't bother bringing you into coil, I wanted to show them that they are wrong. Over the summer, you were able to go from T5 to T10. You tried hard in each of the fights, you studied hard, and you absolutely hate to let your team mates down. I know, you dreaded T9, but hey! You made it through!!

annnnd, yes I know, you dreaded Ravana EX too. I think we look gorgeous on the floor as a group <3 

Another thing I sincerely appreciate is that you try to attend to most of the FC events. Thank you for being such a team player and FC mate, coming to these social events and having a blast with us! You even joined in the FC crafting club for awhile :3

Yeup, we can't forget how we took pictures with AFKing Root after the FC group pictures. Those were flipping fantastical.

My favourite one so far was definitely the Chocobo Race. We all had a good laugh at Mar dying during the race LOL

Thank you Lunaria for being in Ocarina! I am very grateful in having another female player that I could totally play with in XIV and that is also part of my FC. You're such an amazing artist and I am a huge fan of your watercoloring art works. For those of you that didn't know Lunaria is a talented artist, you should check her out (aww yeah baby)!!

Edit - I did forget your theme song. You remind me of my lovely nice Animal Crossing neighbours!


  1. What?! No song?!!!! You always post a song that reminds you of the person!

  2. Aww wow, the feels! You totally caught me of guard haha <3

    I don’t even know what to say! I genuinely can’t thank you and the rest of the FC enough for having me and all the help I have received along the way, truly! <3 Your bard tips have really helped me out when I was new to the game. And I’m grateful for your patience and kindness. I hope to keep learning what I can and improving as I go. Ooh the T9 and RavEx memories, haha! It’s been a blast so far and I’m glad you convinced me change servers! <3 :D I really appreciate the art shout out as well! >///< <3

    PS: Will, I’m a respectable lady just trying to make a honest living. ;)

    1. You totally deserve it :D I cannot thank you enough for being generous for our "business". Your art must be shared around because you're incredibly talented ~ your watercolored works are definitely mesmerizing (at least for me). You shouldn't thank us because we're very happy to have you around in the FC!!


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