Sunday, August 16, 2015

x. Appreciation Post - The Chub Popoto, Zetto Dazze

For the past two months, I did stopped with the appreciation posts. Not because I stopped appreciating my friends, but mostly I was indulged in 1) Heavensward and 2) I got sucked into crafting/gathering somehow. Anyway, getting back on track with this, I would like to throw up an appreciation post for one of my dearest friends: Zetto Dazze.

When I first met Zetto, we met each other through a raid group. We weren't close but we were just "hello" buddies. We didn't exactly party much since the raid scheduling wasn't working out for me, so I stepped down to be a sub. When we did Titan EX together, I was pretty surprised to find another decent player. I did wish I could snag Zetto into my old FC, but he was going to join his raid's new FC instead.

Fast forwarding it to Fall 2014, I noticed Zetto became the master of his raid's FC. I assumed things were going well and the FC really liked him, so they gave the master role to Zetto. However, the real picture was that Zetto was really unhappy, was hurt, and was on the verge of quitting the game. I took him into my FC, even though it was going to be temporary.

Or was it really temporary? The longer you stayed in the previous FC, you were fitting in really nicely with all the members. You're patient, nice, caring, and understanding. I didn't really understand why some people could mistreat you, and to this day, I still don't.

We also spent some FC quality time with others during group events. You made an effort to come after work. I really do appreciate that you try to come to the FC events, and it does make me feel happy to see people being excited for it.

Even if we teased you, you would never get mad at us and go along with it. If we do, you would be honest about it and I sincerely appreciate it.

It's really nice to have people that are up front about their feelings instead of masking it ;3

You emotionally supported me and in my decisions. After splitting up with our previous FC, it was kind of a rough time to go through. I needed to vent more and you let me vent to you. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and just lend a ear.

Which I suppose tank classes suits you since you are very supportive and you tank people's frustrations HA HA HA.

Here we are, together, in the new FC. We just formed the FC and we also recently bought the house at Mist. December was looking pretty good for us and we were working on our T9 kill. Also you look terrible in that Christmas photo.

Your passion for your female lala will be unforgettable. Sure, your lala is cute, but my retainer still beats your cuteness level, just admit it.

I am really thankful that we were able to work together when we were forming Ocarina. I didn't want you to work hard for another FC and then having you to suddenly leave (which happened to you in the past). That was something that I didn't want to happen.

I know Aikia also deeply appreciates you for bringing him to us. I also appreciate that you brought in Aikia to join us in Ocarina and in our raid team.

When Heavensward patch came out, you also helped some of us (who were levelling slower than you) with the main story quests. You didn't spoil anything for us and you let us explore around the area. You didn't teach us the fights and you let us do everything blindly.

I also really appreciated that you gathered Peisteskin maps for the FC to do. We gathered some nice loots like Blue Bird and Spriggan Caps, and it made our night pretty fun. I want to thank you so much for taking some extra time to gather maps for us!

When you first joined our raids back in our previous FC, you guided us and helped us through SCoB. You and Sas worked really well together and it is really nice to see another player to be just as passionate as we are for end-game contents. We were striving for the same goals and we were aiming for high standards, so we could really relate to each other when it comes to raiding.

You patiently waited for the rest of the raid members to go through T9 and attempted T10 with us on your alt (that was when you were in two different statics). If it wasn't for you helping our raid group out, I don't think we would have created a static. I probably had to wait for a long time to get a full group.

We also did our first primal together without echo buff! That was pretty cool wasn't it?

Despite our luck with internet issues, maintenance, and server crashes...we managed to beat FCoB without echo buffs, which means we are part of the top 2.7% of the players on Cactuar server to do that *high five*!! Don't believe it? Check HERE (alt+find Cactuar and you'll see the percentages)!

Then the night we beat Bismark EX + Ravana EX in one night :P

When we encountered a small issue with our static, you offered to level up other classes. I was afraid that you would feel all burned out, but you told me it would be fine if it was to help our static. In the end, you didn't since we were able to pick up two older friends to come join us! Here we are...almost beating A2S (soon, we'll get there)!! Thank you for being part of the FC and being a supportive bud! I'm happy that you're in my static and couldn't be prouder.

Here is the theme song for you (and you remind me of this character in this game):


  1. Wow! This came out of nowhere. >_<
    It has been forever ago since I was a Hyur. Goes to show how long it has been, but you really have helped me out a lot. I'm sure I would've quit if you haven't taken me in that time. I started having fun again with the game outside of raids. It has been great to have met with all of you guys. We have gone through a lot together, and it has been a great journey from the start to now. This post really tugged at my kokoro strings lol. /mushystuff

    Oh! Gumeshoe's theme song. I'll take it. :D
    Zetta is still the cutest lala, and you can't deny that. You're just being biased to your retainer. Plus, you're the only one who can see her, so no one can really judge.

    Anyways, seeing all our accomplishments as a group in this post makes me feel proud of us even more. Our next goal: beat Alex Savage before 3.1 drops; no nerfs, no echo, no anything. Let's hit the top 1% in the server this time!!!

    1. You totally deserve it even when it's least expected! We seriously came a long way and I honestly didn't think we would actually raid together (when our previous one did not work). What were the chances that we were going to be this close?? Remember the time you walked all the way to Mist just to give me POTASH (and you were still in your raid's FC)? WHO DOES THAT? Most people would just mail it!

      I can feel our A2S clear soon :D we're getting there. I hope we get to A3S very soon and die constantly like we did in T12/13. WE'LL GET THERE SOON!

    2. It was somewhat unexpected that we were going to raid together... let alone being close friends like this. Haha! I do remember doing that. I honestly never thought of sending items through mogmail. I've always thought of giving stuff to be done face-to-face so I went to where you guys were and stalked you. Ria was with you at the time, and I believe she asked for some too.

      A2S clear please so we can get to the fun fight, A3S. I was able to try it out and it was fun. We'll all die endlessly... and once we down that... we'll get cancer in A4S. :D

    3. Yep, she was with me during that time. That was...ages ago really. Wow. We have similar interests and dislikes ;D so of course, we are meant to be raiding buddies. I'm really looking forward to A3S and considering how late we started with Savage, we're catching up to most groups out there (AGAIN). That says a lot about us, doesn't it >:3 ??? But I'm not really looking forward to A4S ... it sounds scary...


    1. LMAO I love Gumshoe ~ and that case was good!


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