Monday, August 31, 2015

x. Appreciation Post - Bacon Roller Ubi Crispin

This isn't really a goodbye post because you have XIV on your laptop. Though I know it is somewhat a brief goodbye between you and your team mates in Goron. You're only away for a few months and we'll still be seeing you around ~ but I still want to give an appreciation post to Ubi Crispin before he hops onto the airplane and head to Alberta.

I'm not sure where to start because I have a lot to say. You have been in Ocarina for a few months, but I want to let you know that you had been a great addition to our FC. You're very open-minded, hilarious (especially when you cry in pain), and you're very easy to approach. I really enjoy talking to you (or maybe harass :D?). You probably don't remember...but remember I was asking about your personal life in the FC chat? Yeah, that really amused me but you were very cooperative LOL

You're a very likeable person because you're not judgemental and you're pretty carefree. This is why a lot of people are comfortable in talking to you. I know Mar will miss you the most since you won't be able to raid with him this coming September.

I'm sorry but I really do love it when you cry in agony at times because it is really funny. I really do appreciate that you make my nights entertaining, especially when the group randomly drags you to hell; for example, your blind T9 run. You were very intimate with the floor and you still got your first clear.

You refused to take a group shot with us...LOL your reactions were great. I still remember it pretty clearly because I couldn't stop laughing.

It's okay Ubi ~ you have redeemed yourself in your raiding times with Gorons!

Speaking of raiding, I am very proud of you, Ubi. You are pretty hard on yourself, but you're not seeing how much you had improved. You studied hard for each fight and you would review it with me on Skype. You try to understand each phase in details and you always aim high. You're a good tactician and you should be proud of that!

During my time with Gorons, I was slowly getting burnt out and I really wanted to guide Gorons in a good direction before I had to drop out. T8 was pretty intense to be honest because we were working/calling stuff out together with towers, allagan fields, holming missles, and bombs. I was pretty impressed with your performance in T8 and I know I could rely on you for calling out things when we approached T9.

You're also very helpful around the FC, Ubi. When we are missing specific jobs in some trials or dungeons, you would try to queue and help us go through hell (even though sometimes we forced you). Especially those times where we were trying to help tons of FC peeps to get their Steps of Faith when it was still painful? Yeup.

You would also come for EXDR when groups were missing a 4th member even though you already did your daily.

Sometimes when the Cucco static was missing some people, you would let Sasuun drag you in as a sub. You would run until we get tired and not once had you ditched the party first. Thank you for being so patient with us and endure the runs with us! 

We also went through uber hell for that Ramuh pony. We saw the same Ramuh SMN book 7 times in a row instead of a pony. We didn't get a pony for those runs and it was kinda miserable. Glad that we are both over the Ramuh pony though!

Ohs we cannot forget your sense of fashion. Your best outfit was definitely your healer one. Your slutty pink one is totally adorable. However, your taste in clothes are declining ...

First of all, your gigolo outfit...

Then your SMN outfit became a total mess.

You got no pants on for your current outfit. Ubi, isn't it getting breezy down there?

I do want to thank you for making my XIV time memorable and enjoyable. Let's ignore how I get entertained by seeing you cry but I like having random conversations with you and that includes food, gossiping, crafting, cooking, and the list is endless.

Your random trivia knowledge is very amusing and you honestly remind me of Blathers from Animal Crossing. It's mostly because he talks about the item you hand into him at the museum and he'll go in details about it...just like you LOL

Sometimes I really do question myself why I'm doing hunts with you at 3AM in the morning. There were times where we would solo the A ranks ourselves and I don't even know why we bothered with Maahes. was....painful ;o; !

There were days where you had a huge list full of terrible ideas. You would tell people to suffer in Ramuh party farms, endless library dungeon runs, unlimited EXDR runs, hunt until you pass out, and many other bad ideas you had suggested. However, I'm not going to deny that you have interesting suggestions for mangas. PLEASE CONTINUE READING D.GRAY MAN SO I CAN BITCH TO YOU ABOUT IT SOME MORE.

We find amusement in seeing random people on our turf (or maybe just me?), especially that one visitor that traumatized you because he "stalked" me to the FC house. Those were always hilarious because you're crying in a corner and I'm just laughing at you for being traumatized by a STRANGER.

You're also a reliable member/friend to others. Neru would come to you so you could craft him things for his trade-in leves. Sasuun would whip you to make airship parts with him in the workshop. However, I really want to thank you for helping out on the FC airship. Without you, the FC would not have our third airship at this point.

You better have mumble downloaded on your new laptop so you can chat with us from time to time. I'll miss that porno donkey cry and your "Wobbuffet" noises on mumble. Ocarina is very happy to have you around and it would've sucked if you couldn't chat with us during your four months in Alberta. You're awesome and you should have more confidence in yourself because...

...we believe in you! 

This is your theme song because I said so:



    On one hand I'm like "gee shucks you didn't have to write this" and on the other hand I'm like "omg the shaaaammeeee."

    Also for bad ideas at 3am: WOD RIGHT AFTER PATCH.

  2. We'll miss you Ubi doobi doo! ;;;;-;;;;

  3. Raids won't be the same without you! But I'm glad you'll still be around to chat and show off your creepy slutty outfits~ :D

  4. Wow Ubi so photogenic lol
    I'm really glad that T9 clear moment is in there too.


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