Tuesday, July 7, 2015

x. Strong Start!

Greetings everyone ~ I hope everyone had a fine weekend! I'm looking forward for this weekend and I'm incredibly pumped. Alexander Normal is officially out, so we better start raiding. GO GO GO! I haven't been back on track with my blogging since I was sleep deprived a few days ago. I was also grinding my healers so I could help out with my own raid. Can be a bit exhausting at the end actually @_@;; anyway, here are some screenshots that I would love to share!

I do enjoy some of these sidequests that HW had. The dragons and the hunting tribe were my favourite ones (mostly the Dravanian Foreland sidequests). Coerthas had some unpleasant sidequests and some were quite ... depressing.

Found the A rank!! But it melted very quickly D:

We've been doing some treasure hunting. Gotta get those gorgeous Thavnairian silks!!

I got my Griffin to mount Ubi's airship :P and there's Root flying in the background

We're getting some airship parts ready and here's Ubi (and Sas is somewhere) working hard in making the parts of the airship <3 you guys definitely rock.

Here are the boys and they are so...I dunno..... g a y.

Coerl Chase Boys fate!! This one was incredibly lolsy because a lot of people died (including me) and we're all so confused with the mechanics HAHAHA.

I found this really cute Au Ra and it's so hard to adore her character D: hence a stalker screenie pic

As always, dungeon fungeon funsies :D Neru and I at Fractal. I wonder what Neru is doing :P

Ubi and I posing while we wait for Rare ~~

But I guess the real poser is him :O

Pretty sun as we fought the first boss in Neverreap!

Sas, Ubi, and I decided to do Garu EX with the three of us. I wanted to get the Garu weapon but we went into the wrong Garuda. Nonetheless, it was pretty fun <3

HLDR seems to really like us because we always get SASTASHA HM!!! ; o ;

Before Red left the FC, Lunaria, Valsu, and I ran a dungeon with him. I was hoping to get the BRD top (and thank god I did thanks to Neru and Lunaria in helping me afterwards). Red was DCing towards the end, so we grabbed some screenies ^_^ !!

I've been enjoying AST personally. I have seen and read how AST are not good enough in end-game raids, but I don't think it's as horrible as people are making it sound. Who knows! As well, I do enjoy looking at the stars in the quest, they're very cool ~

And the skills D: they are GORGEOUS.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars :3

Finally, here are some super duper cool screenies of Bis EX and Rav EX :D I enjoyed both of the fights and like many people had mentioned, Rav EX is definitely a win if you memorized the fight. Bismarck was very chill and relaxing, definitely one of my favourite fights! Plus, the background music is awesome <3 I like it more than Ravana, don't hate!

Bismarck incominggg.

This is a really cute screenie ^_^ flowers everywhere, I love.

Some snapshots from Ravana :D


Kinda scary @_@; and intimidating


We've summoned a demon |:


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