Wednesday, May 6, 2015

x. Warm Sunny Days are Coming

Greetings my Ocarina cuccos. Sorry for not being up to date with the blog posts! Things got a bit busy over the weekend and I was setting up the screenshot contest from last week. Don't forget about the screenshot contest if you haven't entered yet, the prizes are worth it! I haven't been really good with these, but before I forget, we do have a few new Ocarina members.

Lunaria, Greyson, Lucy, Jelly Beanz, William, and Exia are our newest members of Ocarina. I have not given an official and proper announcement, but it's never too late. Welcome aboard new members!

As always, things tend to happen around the FC house. Here is a brief recap of the crazy things that had happened in the Mist neighborhood:

I'm not sure if lalas are just incredibly small, but Neru didn't notice Athella was sitting beside him on this bench. Then I had Esra sitting on afking Athella and didn't notice her until god who knows how many hours had passed.

Then the loser kids tried to pick a fight with the cool kids of Ocarina. Except Neru isn't part of the club.

Well, the team morphed and we're fighting off Neru (you can't tell because I purposely cut him off from the picture).

Rainbow over the Mist neighborhood <3!!

My Little Ponies. We're all so magical.

We had a huge cuddle party with Lunaria, except we excluded Mar.

Neru, why?

Aikia is trying really hard to be a good looking fella. I'll fork up some money so you can afford a fantasia :3 HEHEHE.

Neru and his cleavage scrub shirt.

Cy has the Nanamo and I'm really jelly :c mine's coming soon but I can't wait that long.

I also went and visit some old neighbors in Mist. I went to FiM's house and found Riepah on his lawn.

Isn't fat cat incredibly cute ... ;o; I am dying.

Staring into Fat Cat for life.

Just one of the casual nights where we parse people on the dummy. That dummy can take a lot of abuse. Those chocobos are enjoying a splendid show too!

Blood and I are dealing drugs in the forest. Sketchy, isn't it ;3 ?

After some drug dealing, I helped Lucy with lvling!

Awhile ago, Lightning, Neru, and I did the Crystal Tower weekly because we just did. Neru was BRDing and when we started the trash pack, Neru was going:


Lightning and I were wondering what Neru was up to, until we saw a familiar name outside of the gate... LOL

We had to wait for Neru again because he had to finish up his "business". I needed Neru to play Foe for me D:

Here are some of us doing CT. Everyone loves CT!!

Neru tanking the monster in the lava LOL. It was great.

Here are some random coil adventures :3 some from T2, T13, and T1!

Rare and I went into T2 with Greyson since he wanted to explore coil. We tried the rot method but some of the new players panicked and started passing it around way too quickly. So yes, we wiped the first time. Then we did the enrage method since most people are comfortable with that.


Those robes tho.

Root, our death is not our fault because one of the tanks did not grab the tether. The real winners are us, not the survivors. Please remember that. Also we got achievement.

Honestly, the BRD top does not look great on me :c

But for some reason, I think my retainer is pulling it off really well...including the hat D:

I sacked the adds as a WHM and I think I am really cool. I looked at my friends from above knowing they will avenge me when I gave my life away.

Here is me and Aikia helping Naria in T10. Honestly, DF/PF T10s aren't too bad! I still need healer earrings in T10!!

This one deserves it's own section but Ocarina has finally put together a second static! We are starting off with T5 since Lunaria and Greyson needs it. A lot of the people are using new jobs in T5 as well. I also want to announce that Alal and Blood will be my handy guys for this second static, so I have introduced a new rank in the FC! 

Since Blood and Alal had been raiding for a very long time, they are pretty familiar with most of the coil fights. As well, they're very good at mentoring new players when it comes to dungeons and raids. So I have turned them into Gorons (and if you're a Legend of Zelda fan, you would get my reference) <3  We were really close in getting a kill, so better luck next time on Sunday! I will be updating the second coil page to write a detailed progression report. I also made a tab called "Second Raid" up above so it is easily accessible.


  1. Why all the hate to Neru and Mar? Don't worry guys I still think you're tops!

    1. And Aikia, it's getting more mean as I read, BAD DOLCE!

    2. It's not even hate, it's friendship. :P

    3. Lol yes I assumed it was, you are a nice person. :3

    4. It's actually not friendship, it's hate! :P

      (omg pls don't hate me)

    5. Dolce, I'll get you AND your retainer Fantasias, you need it more!

    6. Pls, my cat > your Elvis wanna be character.

    7. it's all in good humour!

    8. ^ He didn't get bullied to say this. I promise!

  2. Last night's practice was fun~ I hope to keep learning and improving. Thank you guys for welcoming me, it's been a blast so far! :D

    1. <3 We need some bard training dates soon!

  3. I'm a Goron :D oor ee oor ee oorooroor


Don't be shy and comment away :D !!!