Friday, May 29, 2015

x. Appreciation Post - A WHM ever so Rare, Rarity Belle!

This is a really special appreciation post (I'm not saying my other posts were not special omg), mostly because this post made me go back to super old screenshots. The first FC I joined was not friendly and were busy sucking on this girl's dick. The only friend I had was Sas and I was kinda longing for a more social FC for two months. Not until I joined another FC called Hellfire Club (HFC), I met a few friends and one of them is Rarity Belle.

It was 2013, and yes, this was two years ago. I do remember I hardly see Rare on, so we didn't do much coils and dungeon runs that much. But Rare was a very easy person to approach, he was very nice and patient...and he was extremely chill.

This is where the love blossomed between Sas and Rare. I'm just here to third wheel.

Ohs, don't you remember the time where we had "good" gears and having 4k HP as healer/DPS class was actually good? This was when Binding Coil still had lockout and there was no such thing as ECHO BUFF. There were times where Sas and I would cry about not having decent heals because Rare was a very reliable WHM :c

I cannot express how chill Rare is. I had to level up my WAR because our old FC was lacking tanks. This is where I got more tanking experience by dragging Rare with me into a dungeon. Asking him if I was doing okay or if he had any tips, he could suggest any to me.

Sometimes Rare would send me mogmails and they are filled with CRAPPPPPPP. But it's the thought that counts...right?

I must say that Rare needs to take some fashion classes because Rare never pleases me with his taste in clothing.

For some unknown reason, Neru, Sas, and I were able to catch you online more. We began to run more dungeons together and eventually we became dungeon buddies.

I was kind enough to give you that healer robe. I know. I'm so nice.

But we weren't just dungeon buddies, we also became bench buddies.

Even Sas and Rare became super matchy matchy, like best friendsicles. Nice boob windows though, you guys. Well, I know Sas fell in love with your voice when he heard you on mumble...

We even spend some quality times at different places <3

We even watch the sun rise at Mist :D

Including hosting beach parties with other neighbors!

Well, Rare isn't just a great party person, he's also a very appreciative person. It's very nice to have people that can be super thankful for small little things. I was growing some onions for Rare because he wanted to level up his chocobo. I grew some, even though it took ages, and gave one to Rare. The moment that Rare got one, he was incredibly happy about it and it makes me feel happy too. In return, he helped me gather some cooking ingredients because that's what friends do.

There were times where Rare did questionable things. One of the best moments was when we had a stripper/pole dancing show in front of our old FC's house.

Like what is wrong with Rare's tummy??? Why does Rare have a doll INSIDE his tummy???

We also spent hours looking for hunts when hunts was first introduced. They were addicting and we would just chill around the FC house, wait for a call, and then hurriedly head over to the spot. It was actually exciting and most of us would stay up to 3AM, 4AM, or even 5:30AM just because of FRIGGEN HUNTS.

Aside from all the random junks, you were also part of my end-game journey. We helped some old FC members with T5 and you helped me with my run too.

We also did Levi EX as well <3

Ramuh EX was pretty "fun". We were wiping for hours...

but once we got our party setup RIGHT, we eventually got our kill!!!

We forgot to take our picture inside Ramuh, so here's our bench one LOL.

Second Coil changed my views on end-game a lot. Our first T7 clear was with you and our first T8 clear was also with you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have saved my sanity in coils. I almost lost it because of those ridiculous wipes from people who were stubborn, bratty, and annoying. When we cleared our T7 and T8 run, I knew I had to bring you in with me for T9 no matter what. What I also want to say is that thank you for not only being the greatest WHM ever, but also being a great team member by watching videos/doing some homework!

Now let's forward to the present and we're currently in 2015. Things changed a lot, didn't they?

Rare, you're still the same as ever. Your humor is great, you're still chill as ever, and you're still nice. Just like the Rare I know way back in 2013.

Look at how far we've gotten. We beat T13 before echo too. We came really far together.

Rare, you're an amazing person and you know it. If you were ever gone, I don't know if I could ever replace you. We've been playing together for two years, and losing Rare is almost like losing a close family member. I think it's amazing to watch each other's end-game progression and when we look back, we actually had done a lot together.

Ocarina loves you Rare, but don't hate me just because I've been taking your ponies <3 <3

This song reminds me of you (thanks to Aikia):


  1. Wow pretty cool seeing Das Rare's past

  2. YAAAAAY RARE POST FOR THE #1 WHM NA. It's so awesome to have someone so helpful and funny in the group c:



  5. Aww, you guys :3 I'm sincerely grateful to all y'all. I don't know if it was chance or what, but I lucked out pretty hard when I met you guys. I can't even imagine doing coils(ALEXANDER!!) with anyone else, and WON'T even imagine leaving Cucco, nevarrr. Soooo ya, you might be stuck with me for while. I love all you guys, and am extremely glad we're friends :D

    P.S. My fashion sense is fantastic and you know it.
    P.P.S. Holy rofl at the photoshop. It's perfect!

    1. Rar you and this fc are <3 never change~

      Also I think your fashion sense is fantastic, don't change that either! ^^

  6. The posts about the history of Rar and the FC were really heart warming. I have only had the pleasure of playing with Rar a few times but it has always been a pleasure. Rarity is an amazing person...and pony.

    The music video however...IT CHANGED MY LIFE!!!! I love how you post a song for each person Dolce, but this one really took the cake; in the boot. X'F


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