Tuesday, April 14, 2015

x. Wow it's mid April already!

Hello Cucco members, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Heavensward is coming very soon! I'm personally excited and I'm looking forward to the FC airship + Alexander. Anyway, here is a quick update of Ocarina in the past few days.

Let's begin with a few things to celebrate about in our FC! A few things did happen and I cannot forget about it.

Congratulations to Greyson in getting his Titan EX kill!

Also congratulations to Chanel in getting her Garuda EX kill!

As well, congratulations to Neru in getting his tank to 50. Now he's buttbanging monsters with his PLD.

Now here are some random FC pictures (as usual)! Ubi, Greyson, me, and Chanel are casually posing in front of the FC house because...why not? Don't we look great :D? Still jealous of Ubi that he could wear the mog delivery hat <_<; it looks hideous on my character. Pft.

Mar has a weird habit of sitting. He doesn't like to sit on chairs ;o;

Our FC needs a fashion event some time soon because you guys need Fashion 101 lessons. I gotta whip you guys back in shape.

Here's Ava, Ubi, and I waiting for our T7 queue that never happened. It doesn't exist. Ubi got lucky that day because he didn't get to experience hell. Ava is dreaming about his T7 top every day. That poor guy ((/soothe)).

 Me and Root are just chilling in the poison puddle while Neru was doing "something". No biggie.

As usual, WoD is fantastic. Actually, the last few runs I had were not too bad. Except...that one run I ran with Ubi but that story will be shared some other time!

Could you spot some of the good looking Ocarina members :D? Boy, we look beautiful. 10/10. The pink BLM is beyond awesome.

Ava and his epic DC tales must go on. Here is another case where Ava DC'd at an important part of the dungeon which was the final boss fight. He's dead forever on the floor Q___Q

Ubi and I recently helped Chanel with Wanderer's Palace HM! The tonberries are so adorable, how can anyone hate them (*cough Kay Kay cough*) !!?!?

Introducing a new section - FC Drama in Eorzea.

Root and I were doing some hunts and during that day, it was really dead. The first hunt we did was in Northern Thanalan and we shouted around into the linkshells and the area. Waited for 84 years, we took it down. There were only like 5 people on that A. Was fun though.

Maahes was like our third or fourth one. Alal-chan found him and then some SMN pulled it. I was waiting for the Titan-Egi to die so we could just reset it, but one of us were too close to him, so I took aggro. Our party was hardly doing any damage to Maahes and once we're done Maahes, one of my friends told me that I am being labelled as the ninja A rank puller in 3 different hunting LS. People then asked in shout: Is there a reason why you're not waiting? Be fair to everyone in the LS.

Honestly, Root and Alal-chan shouted on the map a few times, and I did my share in passing the msg in my LS. Sorry if you guys were running to these hunts at snail rate.

We went to go find Melt and again, we found it first. It took literally 8+ minutes for most of the other hunters to gather.

Then when people gathered, I waited for someone to pull. People are too pussy to pull so before I went ahead, I shouted:

And that's the end of the episode of Hunting Drama!!

Well this section is pretty much like for Ubi (and a little bit of Mar). Ubi can be pretty violent at times. I mean...look at him! He's hammering my poor head :c

I have been trying to find some pretty clothes for Ubi for the last few days. Behold. Dolce's masterpiece for Ubi. LOL

And he sits like a lady.

With Ubi's charming outfit...

I spotted him with a special guest...

I don't even know what is happening.

Don't worry Ubi, Mar is just pretending to judge your pretty girl outfit. He secretly likes it.

The final part of the blog are some bits and pieces of our FCoB farm runs! Root was going to queue us in for T12 and then I saw this lalafell by the market board. She had the wind-up Bahamut out, so I told Neru to bring his wind-up Louisoux out. And..




They were FIGHTING!!!!


Zentai got his hands on his PLD sword!

Neru got his robes from T13!!


Zetto seems jealous of Neru's buttwings though.

In this run, Zetto wanted to kill Aikia off. Unfortunately, Avasir was innocently killed and Aikia lived. RIP Ava.

The night where we were ready to do more T13 kills...



PS: Avasir Lan'dal blew all his money on hookers.


  1. Hahaha, that wind-up Grandpa made me lose it. :3

    1. He's definitely plotting something evil.

  2. "Mar has a weird habit of sitting. He doesn't like to sit on chairs ;o;"

    Hmmm....Looks to me like Mar mistook the space under that bench for a litter box....


    1. litter box......... L O L ...omg.

    2. My cat Blake has that same expression when he's in his box... I'll just have to get him the gambler's coat now :)

    3. LOL omg what am i doing

  3. Thank you so much Dolce!!!

    I really want to face Titan EX when I know have no lag, I just KNOW I can beat that chap and live!!! *Clenches fist and looks into stars*

    Lol creepy grandpa pic MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_______^

    On a side note there were two things I was hoping to ask the FC. The first was if any tanks or healers could help Lunaria and myself run some dungeons from around lvl 20 onward. We both desperately need blood for blood as we both major DPS but dungeons for 2 dps AND before lvl 50 take FOREVER. ;___; Any help would be muchly appreciated, and would also mean we could help more in raids.

    The second thing was for all you Monks out there. I have recently wrote down my entire monk rotation (accounting for when I have blood for blood) and I was hoping you lovely people may give me your thoughts? Sorry for getting off topic, hope I'm not over stepping my bounds and I promise not to make a habit of it.

    Long live the FC and love to you all!!! <3 <3 <3

    1. Oh before I post the monk thing I forgot to speak up in defence of the Serpent Elite's Jerkin glamour. I love that piece, I plan on getting it myself! *Feels Dolce's wrath through computer* ^^;;;;

    2. I'll be glad to help out when I'm on, which sadly isn't as often of late, but if I've got a mission I'll make time! I actually need to work on leveling my Paladin so maybe I can tank for you.

    3. Hey Greyson, I can help you out if I'm around (i'm afk a lot tho sorry~) -- I also have a low level healer that needs levels so it's a win-win!

    4. Thank you both!

      Levelling with you Mar was awesome, hope we can again?! ^__^

  4. Okay, here is, I hope to make you guys proud.~~~

    After a lot of thought here are…

    **My monk rotations, in perfect conditions, long fight with 'blood for blood'**

    1st Priority achieving and retaining Greased Lightning 3 stacks.
    2nd Priority buffs and de-buffs.
    3rd Priority keeping all 3dots on at all times.

    * Fists of Fire
    * Internal Release
    * Shoulder Tackle (If at distance)
    Move to flank.
    * Dragon Kick (For position bonus and de-buff)
    -Blood for Blood (During above)
    * Twin Snakes (for bonus and buff)
    * Touch of Death (now all initial buffs and de-buffs are on. This is a good time to maintain dots in future as often there are a few seconds free of Demolish and Greased Lightning timer here)
    * Demolish (timer maintenance takes priority next to GL)
    Greased Lightning 1 obtained
    -Move to rear, use Steel Peak if time allows unless being saved, otherwise Featherfoot.
    * Fracture (Now all initial buffs are on)
    * Bootshine (for crit)
    -Time allowed for any missed buffs
    * True Strike (One Ilm Punch if enemy has any bothersome stats)
    *Move to Flank
    *Snap Punch (with bonus)
    *Greased Lightning 2 Obtained
    * Dragon Kick “ “ “
    * Twin Snakes “ “ “
    * Fracture “ “ “
    * Demolish “ “ “
    Greased Lightning 3 Obtained
    *Howling Fist
    *From here rear and flank rotations continue with Snap Punch and Demolish interchangeable by times, Fracture and Touch of Death interchangeable by times. Buffs and Instant moves applied when available with Blood for Blood taking priority with Mercy Stroke included in the mix. Always the most important thing is retaining Greased Lightening 3!

    **If ever Greased Lightning 3 is lost**
    It can be re-obtained by Perfect Balance however I like to keep it around for emergencies.

    **If I know beforehand slow will be important in a fight**
    Work Feint into the rotation as Haymaker is too unpredictable, however there are very few times this is relevant.

    **If encountering mob**
    * Arm of the Destroyer (for quick acquisition of a target and silencing magic casters)
    *Twin Snakes (for attack buff)
    *Howling Fist
    *Perfect Balance
    *Spam Rockbreaker
    *Depending on enemies left either continue with first 3 moves or revert back to regular rotations.

    **If random tank isn't doing their job**
    * Arm of the Destroyer (to take agro from other team members like healers)
    * Bloodbath
    *Use most powerful moves for situation to keep Bloodbath going and let rest of party recalibrate to situation.

    **After big aoe by enemy to party**
    *Go to center cluster of party and use Mantra *

    *If experiencing lag (which unfortunately country side Australia often does)
    *Fist of Wind or Fist of Earth instead of Fist of Fire (depending on enemy) .

    1. There were supposed to be tabs where hyphens are. :S

  5. Dolce I kind of want to see Ubi's hat on you~ Our FC still needs and epic photo day! I will be sure to wear my amazing sailor outfit. ^_^

    1. Oooh, we haven't had an epic photo day in AGES! We used to do them with some regularity (for seasonal events and such). I second this!!!

    2. I would love the FC photo soon! I'm actually thinking about when to do it :D

    3. Maybe at the beginning of one of the raid days?

  6. P.P.S. Sorry for all the text with ALL the grammar (and possibly spelling mistakes). Literally sick and tired = G. Wraith go nutty.


  7. Tonberries..........................................

    1. What's wrong with the Tonbies <3 >:D?


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