Tuesday, April 21, 2015

x. Final Coil hates BRD

Hello fuzzy Cuccos! It's been getting pretty warm and sunny in where I live. I hope it's the same for you all! There is a recent update in XIV, so go read it up if you have time and here is the link. Anyway, let's recap on some eventful events that has been happening in the FC!

Recently, the FC had a treasure hunt as a group and we had a stack of maps. My mogmail box was getting full and besides, I wanted to see who would get the next blue bird! Here are some snapshots of our treasure hunting adventure <3

Sas opened up his map and most of us were confused with his lvl 38 monsters...it turns out this map WAS FROM THE LADY EVENT! WTF.

After our treasure map time, we decided to drag Ubi into T9 LOL. I won't share all the juicy details and I'll let those party people remember the night.

I mean the picture is self explanatory ... LOL!

Dolce: Hey Ubi. Come over here.

Ubi: Why?

Dolce: Come over here for a group photo.


Dolce: Cmon Ubi! Over here!!

Ubi: NO!!

...then to make Ubi happier, we did some primals. Well, I don't think Ifrit EX made Ubi happier since he needed the primal  and he walked into this fight blindly :D it's okay Ubi, you actually did great in Ifrit EX!!

We also did some Titan EX runs. Ubi DC'd and his character was standing in the air HAHA.

We also went for Garuda EX and we tried burning her after she did Aerial Blast. We did it but it was hard *__*

Ohs yeah, we did some Odin too! I did not get a card drop though :'c

but in return, one of our Titan EX runs dropped an oogly pony.

Speaking of Ubi, Ubi and I did an amazing WoD run. It took us about 80 minutes to finish the entire run because it was just horrible and awful. I was pulling aggro (as always) and our tank didn't do shit. Ubi was great in alliance chat too ... LOL Here are some snapshots of Ubi in WoD.

We wiped on Atomos 3 times because that's how we rock.....

We wiped on Cloud for the next 3-4 times. There was one run where we had people dropping and some dumbass decided to pull Cloud. Cloud was then one-shotting people and Ubi kept getting particle beam. Ubi tried to kill me off by running those beams to me...BUT IT DIDN'T WORK.

at the end of the WoD...

Here are some random snapshots of the FC members :D Here's me and Lunaria doing some dungeon runs!

Emm did a weird glitch with his sword and it became white and glowy. I like it *___* !!!

Neru became part of the Catsassin Creed.

Enjoying the sun out in the lawn while I'm parsing people :3

Helping Lunaria with Steps of Faith! We did it really fast too :D easy and painless.

Helped Mar, Lunaria, and Greyson with some leveling since Lunaria and Greyson needed Blood for Blood! They did get quite a bit of leveling done in one night <3

Some super adorbs neighbours visiting us while Mar is afking (forever). They're matchy matchy :D

Enuff said. Rude ppl.

Rocking the bench in Mist ~

Awwwwwwww yeah!

The group did some more T13 runs and we're getting better and more consistent. Honestly, we got endless PLD swords, DRG spears, healer robes, and one lovely NIN dag. Where are the BRD loots??

Congratulations to Root in getting her pants for her BLM though!

Here are the numbers from last night's kill (our final run):

Some pretty screenshots in Final Coil :3

Congratulations to Zentai in getting his tank body!

Healer robe trio omg.


  1. Seeing "Nobody is perfect, let's make things better" gain traction makes me very happy. Thanks for that, Ubi!

  2. Thank you for the levelling help! I usually don't mind just rolling on up the levels but the fact I NEED blood for blood at the moment makes it feel like work instead of fun. :S

    1. No problem ^_^ Chanel's lancer is close to your level so we can definitely do higher level dungeons together :D

    2. That's great news ^_^

      Because of sick times I haven't been able to get on when I like. Because of this I would like to propose the idea of 'Greyson's Hour of Fun' here! Basically it's me selecting 4 duties I can never get into and seeing if people from the fc would join me. X'DDDDD

    3. P.S. The walking screenshot of us all is cool!

    4. I like it too! That's why it's on the site <3 !!

  3. I'm way late to commenting, but thank you so much everyone that helped me with Steps of Faith! As well as leveling my DRG. I really appreciate it all the help! <3

    1. Its never late and I love reading comments <3 it was a very smooth run in Steps of Faith, so no problem!!


    1. ...that 83 damage contribution...LOL


Don't be shy and comment away :D !!!