Friday, February 20, 2015

x. House is Killing Me Softly

Hey corgi bunnies, I haven't blogged in awhile! I've been spending quite a bit of time renovating the house, and it's almost done :D One thing I absolutely hate about the house is the furniture limit. I also hate how SE counts small little things (ie - paper/ink and quill) as ONE furniture item. I probably would like to add about 5-10 more pieces into the house, but thanks to SE, I can't <_<; Also, I thought I didn't have that many screenshots, but...nopes! I have a big screenshot dump for you all <3

I don't know about you guys (except Neru), but to take scenery pics (of course, selfies included, DUH). Gridania is definitely pretty +__+ when it's not raining.

Speaking of Puffs...SASUUN DAMACE NOW HAS ONE TOO, along with Alal-chan and Neru. TT_TT I am absolutely devastated because all Sas did was:

>> in-progress queue for World of Darkness
>> gets into the last boss
>> Puff drops
>> wins it

;o; ... that is all I have to say...but I would like to thank Rain for letting me roll on the healing robe!!

Here is a group picture of Ava, Rare, and I being frozen together in ST <3 you would think that the fireball would melt the three of us but it only Rare was set free >:c caught me...I definitely take screenies during dungeons too...! I'm trying to be artistic here, actually, I didn't care much about this tank because he didn't say "Hello". Since he was rude, he doesn't get comms (he also sucked anyways).

Picture below is self-explanatory.

If you guys haven't visited Sas' front lawn, his snowmen army is getting bigger. I don't know why but like ... what?

Neru, I have no idea what you are doing.

One of these days, I feel like my character's head is going to fall off. Ava, you're so tall.

Here are some bits and pieces of FCoB progression:

Zentai found his twin :O Red vs Gold version, which one do you like!?

Ava is going crazy because we're getting SHITTY LOOTS from FCoB. Y'know it Phoenix, I'm fucking glaring at you +____+ drop my damn pants already.

However, I want to seriously congratulate Ikea for finally getting a FCoB piece for his LHS. You deserve it man :O !!!

Here's a quick snapshot of T13 progression. Again, we're at 50% but we're getting very consistent with Phase 1 and Phase 2. I also do think it's pretty lame that we only get 5-10 seconds of Phase 3 and then we wipe. I do kinda wish there was a "practice mode" for certain phases (single person mode).

Though I want to throw a kind reminder to the team: Since Monday is maintenance, please kindly review Phase 3 and Phase 4! Thanks!

Here is Rain, Rare, and I killing each other during Mega Flare... <3

Of course, at the end of the raid, random shit happens...for example:

and this...



    On a little more of a serious note I was looking at a t13 guide and saw a nice graphic for the divebombs that could possible help us:

    1. Ohs that looks like a good graph, let me give it to the others!


Don't be shy and comment away :D !!!