Monday, February 2, 2015

x. We Only Progress.

Greetings silly baboons! Within the last 2 months, there are some things I would need to celebrate. Before I start, I really do appreciate all of you for sticking with me and this new FC. I want to thank all of the members for making this game enjoyable once more!

As for celebration goes, I want to celebrate the current team's progression in Final Coil of Bahamut. Back then, Sasuun and I had given up a lot of opportunities in joining coil groups. But now, we can finally go through current end-game contents and we are pretty caught up with quite a few coil groups out there. I feel quite blessed to finally have a team I can work with and I could count on. And yes, I am enjoying every minute of our raid!

Here are some pictures of our journey:

SELFIES FIRST! Ikea and I think alike :3

There's Ava being really proud of his finishing combo because we are ALL dead. We look amazing in T10 <_< T11...

We also thank RNGesus for finally giving Rain her FCoB gears and her T9 staff.

Nonetheless, we're getting better and better in FCoB and we're making progress during each raid. Here are the videos of our T10 and T11 runs:

T10 DPS Info -

T11 DPS Info -

Our current progress in T12 - Phase 4 (final) and we hit 30% :D

Anyways, there is another celebration that I need to share with everyone. I want to celebrate that we can almost build another coil group within the FC! I'm feeling really good about this and it makes me feel SO FLY, SO HAPPY, and SO PROUD :3 like this:

We have some members that recently got their T9 kill (or soon to be T9 kill)!! Our fellow members that could do/almost do Final Coil of Bahamut are Alal-chan, Sata-chan, Naria, Geir, and Hiro! You guys learn incredibly fast and you guys do adapt rather quickly :D Remember guys, don't be hard on yourself because making mistakes is part of learning! 

To end this celebration post:


  1. Naria also got his t9 clear!

    1. OHs shoot, I can't believe I forgot that! EDITED! Thanks Ava!


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